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Robert B. Marks: Works and Words: A Personal Anthology


By (author): Roberta Marks

A miniaturist, Marks creates constructions that have an intimacy to them and at the same time contain entire worlds of feeling and existence and memory. Each is a vignette a narrative of a personal nature. She transforms a diverse range of objects and material, often of mundane and humble origin, into eloquent and highly personal forms of self-expression. Marks s work speaks to the human impulse to collect, preserve, immortalize, and to the older tradition of curio cabinets. Her pieces are intuitive and instinctual, exuding a sense of mystery. The viewer enters into an intensely private realm, yet the themes are universal loss, longing, old age, death, repression, and liberation thus evoking a feeling of familiarity. A practicing Buddhist, Marks achieves her clarity and inward focus through daily meditation. Embracing solitude is essential to her work. She has written when constructing a work, I pare it down to the essence the minimal. Each chosen object represents years of seeing with acute awareness. An essay by Marks accompanies a selection of approximately 200 of her most evocative works. See more
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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 286 x 311mm
  • Publication Date: 24 Sep 2019
  • Publisher: Mondadori Electa
  • Publication City/Country: Italy
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780847866977

About Roberta Marks

Roberta B. Marks who has an MFA from the University of South Florida is widely collected. Her works are featured in numerous museums and galleries throughout the country and Europe and she has taught widely including regular classes at The Studios of Key West.

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