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A01=Emmanuel Mazer
A01=Juan Ahuactzin
A01=Kamel Mekhnacha
A01=Pierre Bessiere
Age Group_Uncategorized
Age Group_Uncategorized
Author_Emmanuel Mazer
Author_Juan Ahuactzin
Author_Kamel Mekhnacha
Author_Pierre Bessiere
COP=United States
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Price_€100 and above

Bayesian Programming

Probability as an Alternative to Boolean LogicWhile logic is the mathematical foundation of rational reasoning and the fundamental principle of computing, it is restricted to problems where information is both complete and certain. However, many real-world problems, from financial investments to email filtering, are incomplete or uncertain in nature. Probability theory and Bayesian computing together provide an alternative framework to deal with incomplete and uncertain data.

Decision-Making Tools and Methods for Incomplete and Uncertain DataEmphasizing probability as an alternative to Boolean logic, Bayesian Programming covers new methods to build probabilistic programs for real-world applications. Written by the team who designed and implemented an efficient probabilistic inference engine to interpret Bayesian programs, the book offers many Python examples that are also available on a supplementary website together with an interpreter that allows readers to experiment with this new approach to programming.

Principles and Modeling Only requiring a basic foundation in mathematics, the first two parts of the book present a new methodology for building subjective probabilistic models. The authors introduce the principles of Bayesian programming and discuss good practices for probabilistic modeling. Numerous simple examples highlight the application of Bayesian modeling in different fields.

Formalism and AlgorithmsThe third part synthesizes existing work on Bayesian inference algorithms since an efficient Bayesian inference engine is needed to automate the probabilistic calculus in Bayesian programs. Many bibliographic references are included for readers who would like more details on the formalism of Bayesian programming, the main probabilistic models, general purpose algorithms for Bayesian inference, and learning problems.

FAQsAlong with a glossary, the fourth part contains answers to frequently asked questions. The authors compare Bayesian programming and possibility theories, discuss the computational complexity of Bayesian inference, cover the irreducibility of incompleteness, and address the subjectivist versus objectivist epistemology of probability.

The First Steps toward a Bayesian ComputerA new modeling methodology, new inference algorithms, new programming languages, and new hardware are all needed to create a complete Bayesian computing framework. Focusing on the methodology and algorithms, this book describes the first steps toward reaching that goal. It encourages readers to explore emerging areas, such as bio-inspired computing, and develop new programming languages and hardware architectures.

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Current price €141.54
Original price €148.99
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A01=Emmanuel MazerA01=Juan AhuactzinA01=Kamel MekhnachaA01=Pierre BessiereAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Emmanuel MazerAuthor_Juan AhuactzinAuthor_Kamel MekhnachaAuthor_Pierre Bessiereautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PBTCategory=TJFMCategory=UFMCOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€100 and abovePS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 702g
  • Dimensions: 156 x 234mm
  • Publication Date: 20 Dec 2013
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781439880326

About Emmanuel MazerJuan AhuactzinKamel MekhnachaPierre Bessiere

Pierre Bessiere is with CNRS the French National Centre for Scientific Research. Juan-Manuel Ahuactzin Kamel Mekhnacha and Emmanuel Mazer are with Probayes Inc. France.

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