Regional Rural Banks in India: Challenges and Prospects
Shaikh SirajuddinCurrent price €38.69Original price €42.99Current price €38.69Original price €42.99Save 10% -
Efeitos da cobertura do risco cambial no desempenho financeiro
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Impact de la microfinance islamique sur la pauvret: Une tude de cas au Pakistan
Fahad Ahmed QureshiCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Das Verhalten der Anleger bei verschiedenen Investitionsmglichkeiten
Hardik BhadeshiyaCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Nachhaltigkeit der Segmentierung von Nischenmrkten im Bankensektor
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Auswirkungen der islamischen Mikrofinanzierung auf die Armut: Eine Fallstudie aus Pakistan
Fahad Ahmed QureshiCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Durabilit de la segmentation des marchs de niche dans le secteur bancaire
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Sustentabilidade da segmentao de nichos de mercado no sector bancrio
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Effets de la couverture du risque de change sur la performance financire
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Les dterminants des prix des actions bancaires en temps de crise
Elisabetta D'ApolitoCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Os determinantes dos preos das aces dos bancos em tempo de crise
Elisabetta D'ApolitoCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Auswirkungen der Absicherung des Wechselkursrisikos auf die finanzielle Leistungsfhigkeit
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Der Rechtsrahmen fr den elektronischen Geschftsverkehr
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Нормативно-правовая база электронной ком
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O quadro regulamentar do comrcio eletrnico
K M Anwarul IslamCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Le cadre rglementaire du commerce lectronique
K M Anwarul IslamCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State
Paul TuckerCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99Guiding principles for ensuring that central bankers and other unelected policymakers remain stewards of the common goodCentral bankers have emerge...
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The Story of Silver: How the White Metal Shaped America and the Modern World
William L. SilberCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99How silver influenced two hundred years of world history, and why it matters todayThis is the story of silvers transformation from soft money durin...
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Visions of Financial Order: National Institutions and the Development of Banking Regulation
Kim PernellCurrent price €32.85Original price €36.50How differences in national financial regulatory systems emerged from divergent beliefs about economic order and prosperityThe global financial cri...
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Rigged: The Incredible True Story of the Whistleblowers Jailed after Exposing the Rotten Heart of the Financial System
Andy VerityCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99Rigged exposes a cover-up at the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic, upending the official story of the biggest scandal since the global f...
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Contemporary Highlights: Risk Navigation in Financial Criminology
Peter Lang AGCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99This book includes empirical and theoretical original chapters written by researchers from different countries and universities. The target audienc...
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