Regional Rural Banks in India: Challenges and Prospects
Shaikh SirajuddinCurrent price €38.69Original price €42.99Current price €38.69Original price €42.99Save 10% -
Efeitos da cobertura do risco cambial no desempenho financeiro
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Impact de la microfinance islamique sur la pauvret: Une tude de cas au Pakistan
Fahad Ahmed QureshiCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Das Verhalten der Anleger bei verschiedenen Investitionsmglichkeiten
Hardik BhadeshiyaCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Nachhaltigkeit der Segmentierung von Nischenmrkten im Bankensektor
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Auswirkungen der islamischen Mikrofinanzierung auf die Armut: Eine Fallstudie aus Pakistan
Fahad Ahmed QureshiCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Durabilit de la segmentation des marchs de niche dans le secteur bancaire
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Sustentabilidade da segmentao de nichos de mercado no sector bancrio
Grace Den DulkCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Effets de la couverture du risque de change sur la performance financire
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Les dterminants des prix des actions bancaires en temps de crise
Elisabetta D'ApolitoCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Os determinantes dos preos das aces dos bancos em tempo de crise
Elisabetta D'ApolitoCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Auswirkungen der Absicherung des Wechselkursrisikos auf die finanzielle Leistungsfhigkeit
Faith MasekiCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Current price €29.25Original price €32.50Save 10% -
Der Rechtsrahmen fr den elektronischen Geschftsverkehr
K M Anwarul IslamCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Нормативно-правовая база электронной ком
K М. Анварул ИсламCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
O quadro regulamentar do comrcio eletrnico
K M Anwarul IslamCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Le cadre rglementaire du commerce lectronique
K M Anwarul IslamCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State
Paul TuckerCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99Guiding principles for ensuring that central bankers and other unelected policymakers remain stewards of the common goodCentral bankers have emerge...
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The Story of Silver: How the White Metal Shaped America and the Modern World
William L. SilberCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99How silver influenced two hundred years of world history, and why it matters todayThis is the story of silvers transformation from soft money durin...
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Visions of Financial Order: National Institutions and the Development of Banking Regulation
Kim PernellCurrent price €32.85Original price €36.50How differences in national financial regulatory systems emerged from divergent beliefs about economic order and prosperityThe global financial cri...
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Rigged: The Incredible True Story of the Whistleblowers Jailed after Exposing the Rotten Heart of the Financial System
Andy VerityCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99Rigged exposes a cover-up at the highest level on both sides of the Atlantic, upending the official story of the biggest scandal since the global f...
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Contemporary Highlights: Risk Navigation in Financial Criminology
Peter Lang AGCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99This book includes empirical and theoretical original chapters written by researchers from different countries and universities. The target audienc...
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Growing with Blockchain: From disruptive potential to operational reality
Novaro PublishingCurrent price €17.09Original price €18.99Following lockdown, the digital trust that blockchain creates for networks of remote users started to re-define relationships between customers, su...
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Banca eletrnica e consumidor indiano: Desafios para a ndia digital
Shambhu Nath SinghCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10% -
Comportamento do investidor em vrias vias de investimento
Hardik BhadeshiyaCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
E-Banking und indische Verbraucher: Herausforderungen fr das digitale Indien
Shambhu Nath SinghCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10% -
Comportement des investisseurs sur les diffrentes voies d''investissement
Hardik BhadeshiyaCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Электронный банкинг и индийский потребит: Вызовы для цифровой Индии
Шамбху Натх СингхCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10% -
The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes (Economic Theory Classic)
Adam SmithCurrent price €17.09Original price €18.99Current price €17.09Original price €18.99Save 10% -
Aufschlussreiche Auswirkungen der dynamischen Krfte auf die Aktienkursentwicklung
M M Mofiz UddinCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Impactos informativos das foras dinmicas no movimento do preo das aces
M M Mofiz UddinCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Competition and Stability in Banking: The Role of Regulation and Competition Policy
Xavier VivesCurrent price €45.89Original price €50.99Does too much competition in banking hurt society? What policies can best protect and stabilize banking without stifling it? Institutional response...
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Lehman Brothers: A Crisis of Value
Oonagh McDonaldCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Using extensive documentary evidence and interviews with former Lehman employees, Oonagh McDonald reveals the decisions that led to Lehmans collaps...
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The Subprime Solution: How Today''s Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It
Robert J. ShillerCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50The subprime mortgage crisis has already wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people and now it threatens to derail the U.S. economy and econo...
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Mobilising Capital for Emerging Markets: What Can Structured Finance Contribute?
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €85.49Original price €94.99Is structured finance dead? Many have asked this question after the financial crisis. Or is structured finance evil and therefore should it be dead...
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Bank Lending
Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB)Current price €42.29Original price €46.99Sophisticated banking is vital for modern society to function and prosper. Banks lend to individuals and corporations but do so after carefully exp...
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Reconstructing the National Bank Controversy: Politics and Law in the Early American Republic
Eric LomazoffCurrent price €30.59Original price €33.99The Bank of the United States sparked several rounds of intense debate over the meaning of the Constitutions Necessary and Proper Clause, which aut...
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Embedded Finance: When Payments Become An Experience
Scarlett SieberCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Embedded finance is here and having global impact. Are you ready for it? In Embedded Finance: When Payments Become An Experience, veteran growth st...
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Reconstructing the National Bank Controversy: Politics and Law in the Early American Republic
Eric LomazoffCurrent price €84.59Original price €93.99The Bank of the United States sparked several rounds of intense debate over the meaning of the Constitutions Necessary and Proper Clause, which aut...
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Beyond Debt: Islamic Experiments in Global Finance
Daromir RudnyckyjCurrent price €84.59Original price €93.99Recent economic crises have made the centrality of debt, and the instability it creates, increasingly apparent. This realization has led to cries f...
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Delinquent: Inside America''s Debt Machine
Elena BotellaCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Publisher's Weekly Top 10 Fall Release in Business and EconomicsA consumer credit industry insider-turned-outsider explains how banks lure American...
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Banking Secrecy and Global Finance: Economic and Political Issues
Donato MasciandaroCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99A 2009 G20 official document stated that the era of banking secrecy is over but is it? If banking secrecy is the result of market mechanisms, it su...
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Bank Competition, Efficiency and Liquidity Creation in Asia Pacific
N. GenetayCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Banking market integration in the Asia Pacific has greatly accelerated in recent years, in an environment of many other rapid advances in banking a...
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Fintech Regulation In Practice: Navigate the Complexities and Opportunities of Regulation
Maha El DimachkiCurrent price €162.89Original price €180.99Fintech Regulation in Practice provides a clear, hands-on guide to the practical considerations that fintechs, banks adopting fintech and other key...
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Fintech Regulation In Practice: Navigate the Complexities and Opportunities of Regulation
Maha El DimachkiCurrent price €56.69Original price €62.99Fintech Regulation in Practice provides a clear, hands-on guide to the practical considerations that fintechs, banks adopting fintech and other key...
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Arbuthnot Bank: From Merchant Bank to Private Bank (18332013)
David LascellesCurrent price €45.89Original price €50.99In the early years of Arbuthnot & Latham, it prospered greatly as a merchant of produce from India. It soon branched out into finance and lendi...
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