The Digital Currency Challenge: Shaping Online Payment Systems through US Financial Regulations
P. MullanCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99Private online digital currency systems offer people accessible, convenient, and inexpensive everyday financial tools outside of traditional bank-o...
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The Immigrant and the University: Peder Sather and Gold Rush California
Karin SveenCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99Peder Sather was a scribe before he emigrated from Norway to New York in 1832. There, he worked as a servant and a clerk at a lottery office before...
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La banque en ligne et le consommateur indien: Dfis pour l''Inde numrique
Shambhu Nath SinghCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10% -
Impacts informatifs des forces dynamiques sur l''volution des cours des actions
M M Mofiz UddinCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Practical Risk-Adjusted Performance Measurement
Carl R. BaconCurrent price €71.09Original price €78.99Explore different measures of ex-post risk-adjusted performance measurement and learn to choose the correct one In the newly revised Second Editio...
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Making Money Work for Us: How MMT Can Save America
L. Randall WrayCurrent price €51.29Original price €56.99Is money precious and scarce, necessitating iron fiscal discipline? Must the government always balance the books or risk ruin? Or is money, in fact...
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Gestion des liquidits et performance organisationnelle
Daniel Bassey EdemCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Управление ликвидностью и эффективность
Дэниел Басси ЭдемCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Analyse des scnarios d''investissement en capital-risque
Tales TozattiCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Performance d''une slection de fonds communs de placement sectoriels en Inde
P KarthikeyanCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Theoretical Foundations of Investment Banking
Andreas KrauseCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Banking, and investment banking in particular, is to a large extent investigated empirically in the academic literature. The theory of investment b...
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Banking on Change: The Leader''s Guide to Achieving Exponential Growth in the Age of AI
James Robert LayCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Current price €31.49Original price €34.99Save 10% -
Determinanten der Kundenzufriedenheit in islamischen Banken in Pakistan
Fahad Ahmed QureshiCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Estudos empricos sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas no Vietname
Linh DoanCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Empirische Studien zur Kapitalstruktur von Unternehmen in Vietnam
Linh DoanCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
tudes empiriques sur la structure du capital des entreprises au Vit Nam
Linh DoanCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50Current price €23.85Original price €26.50Save 10% -
Banking and Financial Systems: Catalysts of Social and Political Change
Laura GuercioCurrent price €90.89Original price €100.99Current price €90.89Original price €100.99Save 10% -
Intervenientes directos e indirectos na luta contra o branqueamento de capitais
Etienne BannelierCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Current price €26.99Original price €29.99Save 10% -
The New Frontiers of Supervision: The history of the banking supervision model evolution in the Central Bank of Brazil and its importance for the assessment of financial stability
Gilneu VivanCurrent price €25.65Original price €28.50Current price €25.65Original price €28.50Save 10% -
Анализ аудиторских отчетов компаний, коти
Даниэли Дж. ЛинкCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Impact de la politique de dividende sur le cours de l''action
Supun PereraCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Analyse des rapports d''audit des socits cotes au BM&FBovespa
Camila F Sant'anaCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Analysis of the audit reports of the companies listed on BM&FBovespa
Camila F Sant'anaCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Analyse der Prfungsberichte der an der BM&FBovespa notierten Unternehmen
Camila F Sant'anaCurrent price €49.49Original price €54.99Current price €49.49Original price €54.99Save 10% -
Auswirkungen der Dividendenpolitik auf den Aktienkurs
Supun PereraCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Impacto da poltica de dividendos no preo das aces
Supun PereraCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Die direkten und indirekten Akteure der Geldwschebekmpfung
Etienne BannelierCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Current price €26.99Original price €29.99Save 10% -
Direct and indirect players in the fight against money laundering
Etienne BannelierCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Current price €26.99Original price €29.99Save 10% -
Прямые и косвенные участники борьбы с отмm
Этьен БаннельерCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Current price €26.99Original price €29.99Save 10% -
Private Banking: Building a Culture of Excellence
Boris F. J. CollardiCurrent price €116.99Original price €129.99An insightful overview of the keys to world-class client service in the private banking sector As the number of wealthy individuals around the wor...
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Stumbling Giants: Transforming Canada''s Banks for the Information Age
James L. DarrochCurrent price €37.79Original price €41.99Winner of the 2018 Donner Prize for the Best Public Policy Book by Canadian authors, Stumbling Giants by Patricia Meredith and James L. Darroch pre...
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Pyramid of Lies: The Prime Minister, the Banker and the Billion Pound Scandal
Duncan MavinCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99The Pyramid of Lies by international financial journalist Duncan Mavin, is the true story of Lex Greensill, the Australian farmer who became a hi...
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