Calculus & Mathematical Analysis
Random Number Generators for Computer Simulation and Cyber Security: Design, Search, Theory, and Application
Ching-Chi YangCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99This book discusses the theory and practice of random number generators that are useful for computer simulation and computer security applications....
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Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation II
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99This book presents a collection of high-quality papers in applied and numerical mathematics, as well as approximation theory, all closely related t...
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Analytic Methods of Spectral Representations of Non-Selfadjoint (Non-Unitary) Operators
Vladimir A. ZolotarevCurrent price €97.84Original price €102.99This book is concerned with the theory of model representations of linear non-selfadjoint and non-unitary operators. This booming area of functiona...
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Polyanalytic Type Function Spaces
Nikolai VasilevskiCurrent price €116.84Original price €122.99This book is about function spaces aspects of polyanalytic functions, a topic that has gained a lot of attention in the past decades. This book fil...
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Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computations II: 1st SGMC, Statesboro, USA, April 23, 2021 (Virtual)
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99This volume convenes selected, peer-reviewed research and survey articles that address the modern state-of-the-art in varied areas of applied mathe...
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Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Bundles and Characteristic Classes (Book I-A)
Elisabetta BarlettaCurrent price €154.84Original price €162.99This book, Dierential Geometry: Manifolds, Bundles and Characteristic Classes (Book I-A), is the rst in a captivating series of four books presenti...
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Mathematical Analysis: Theory and Applications
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €127.29Original price €133.99Mathematical Analysis: Theory and Applications provides an overview of the most up-to-date developments in the field, presenting original contribut...
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Quadratic Functions, Equations, Inequalities and Related Engineering Applications
Paul SinclairCurrent price €47.83Original price €51.99Current price €47.83Original price €51.99Save 8% -
Approximation Techniques for Engineers: Second Edition
Louis KomzsikCurrent price €117.79Original price €123.99This second edition includes eleven new sections based on the approximation of matrix functions, deflating the solution space and improving the acc...
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Brownian Motion And Potential Theory, Modern And Classical
James TianCurrent price €75.04Original price €78.99In this book, potential theory is presented in an inclusive and accessible manner, with the emphasis reaching from classical to modern, from analyt...
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Brownian Motion And Potential Theory, Modern And Classical
James TianCurrent price €98.79Original price €103.99In this book, potential theory is presented in an inclusive and accessible manner, with the emphasis reaching from classical to modern, from analyt...
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The Reasoning of Quantum Mechanics: Operator Theory and the Harmonic Oscillator
Horst R. BeyerCurrent price €33.24Original price €34.99This Second Edition presents and details the process of quantization of a classical mechanical system in a relevant physical system, the harmonic o...
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Antennas: From the Theory of Long Lines to Integral Equations
Boris LevinCurrent price €143.09Original price €158.99This book describes both known and new results. In the sections devoted to the use of integral equations for the current in a linear metal radiator...
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Approximate Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings
Alexander J. ZaslavskiCurrent price €145.34Original price €152.99Fixed point theory of nonlinear operators has been a rapidly growing area of research and plays an important role in the study of variational inequ...
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Advanced Techniques in Optimization for Machine Learning and Imaging
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99In recent years, non-linear optimization has had a crucial role in the development of modern techniques at the interface of machine learning and im...
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Error Control, Adaptive Discretizations, and Applications, Part 2: Volume 59
Elsevier Science Publishing Co IncCurrent price €155.79Original price €163.99Error Control, Adaptive Discretizations, and Applications, Volume 59, Part Two highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presentin...
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Angewandte Differentialgleichungen Kompakt: Für Ingenieure Und Physiker
Adriano OprandiCurrent price €88.34Original price €92.99Current price €88.34Original price €92.99Save 5% -
Numerische Verfahren: Zur Lösung Großer Linearer Gleichungssysteme
Ulrich GrebhoferCurrent price €81.69Original price €85.99Current price €81.69Original price €85.99Save 5% -
Planimetrie Und Arithmetik Nebst Den Anfangsgründen Der Trigonometrie Und Stereometrie Und Drei Anhängen
F G MehlerCurrent price €108.29Original price €113.99Current price €108.29Original price €113.99Save 5% -
Spciation d''lments toxiques sophistiqus
Alias Mohd YusofCurrent price €56.99Original price €59.99Current price €56.99Original price €59.99Save 5% -
Especiao de elementos txicos sofisticados
Alias Mohd YusofCurrent price €56.99Original price €59.99Current price €56.99Original price €59.99Save 5% -
From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama: In Memory of Sergey Naboko
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €145.34Original price €152.99This volume is dedicated to the memory of Sergey Naboko (1950-2020). In addition to original research contributions covering the vast areas of inte...
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Geometric Partial Differential Equations
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €30.88Original price €32.50This book is the outcome of a conference held at the Centro De Giorgi of the Scuola Normale of Pisa in September 2012. The aim of the conference wa...
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Introduction to Harmonic Analysis on Reductive P-adic Groups: Based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at The Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73
Allan G. SilbergerCurrent price €171.94Original price €180.99Based on a series of lectures given by Harish-Chandra at the Institute for Advanced Study in 1971-1973, this book provides an introduction to the t...
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Calculus And Its Applications, Global Edition
David EllenbogenCurrent price €71.24Original price €74.99NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMathLab does not come packaged with this content. If you wouldlike to purchase both the physical t...
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Collected Papers II: PDE, SDE, Diffusions, Random Media
S.R.S. VaradhanCurrent price €97.84Original price €102.99From the Preface: Srinivasa Varadhan began his research career at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Calcutta, where he started as a graduate ...
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Optimal Feedback for Stochastic Linear Quadratic Control and Backward Stochastic Riccati Equations in Infinite Dimensions
Qi LuCurrent price €84.54Original price €88.99It is a longstanding unsolved problem to characterize the optimal feedbacks for general SLQs (i.e., stochastic linear quadratic control problems) w...
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A Course on Holomorphic Discs
Hansjörg GeigesCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99This textbook, based on a one-semester course taught several times by the authors, provides a self-contained, comprehensive yet concise introductio...
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Fractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms
Boris RubinCurrent price €174.79Original price €183.99Fractional Integrals, Potentials, and Radon Transforms, Second Edition presents recent developments in the fractional calculus of functions of one ...
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Calculus, Global Edition
Bernard GillettCurrent price €71.24Original price €74.99For a three-semester or four-quarter calculus course covering single variable and multivariable calculus for mathematics, engineering, and science ...
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Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Global Edition
Bernard GillettCurrent price €71.24Original price €74.99For a three-semester or four-quarter calculus course covering single variable and multivariable calculus for mathematics, engineering, and science ...
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