Opening Doors to a Richer English Curriculum for Ages 6 to 9 | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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A01=Bob Cox
A01=Leah Crawford
A01=Verity Jones
Age Group_Ages 7-9
Age Group_Ages 7-9
Author_Bob Cox
Author_Leah Crawford
Author_Verity Jones
COP=United Kingdom
Delivery_Delivery within 10-20 working days
PA=In stock
Price_€10 to €20

Opening Doors to a Richer English Curriculum for Ages 6 to 9


By (author): Bob Cox Leah Crawford Verity Jones

The book has been designed to help teachers enhance their young learners' engagement with challenging texts and to improve the quality of their reading and writing. It includes 15 ready-to-use units of work comprising a range of poetry and prose from across the literary tradition, vividly illustrated by Victoria Cox. Bob, Leah and Verity's innovative ideas on theory, best practice and how to cultivate a pioneering classroom spirit are all integrated into the lesson suggestions - for both the teacher's and the learners' immediate benefit. Suitable for teachers of pupils aged 6 to 9. See more
Current price €16.99
Original price €19.99
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A01=Bob CoxA01=Leah CrawfordA01=Verity JonesAge Group_Ages 7-9Author_Bob CoxAuthor_Leah CrawfordAuthor_Verity Jonesautomatic-updateCategory1=KidsCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JNLBCategory=JNUCategory=YQCCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=In stockPrice_€10 to €20PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 360g
  • Dimensions: 148 x 180mm
  • Publication Date: 14 Oct 2019
  • Publisher: Crown House Publishing
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • Age Group: Ages 7-9
  • ISBN13: 9781785833984

About Bob CoxLeah CrawfordVerity Jones

Bob Cox is an independent educational consultant writer and teacher coach who works nationally and internationally to support outstanding learning. Bob has been working with clusters of schools and local authorities to apply 'opening doors' strategies to raise standards in English and to make links between quality texts and quality writing. Before that Bob taught English for 23 years. Leah Crawford has 15 years' experience as a local authority English inspector/adviser working across both the primary and secondary phases and now leads the Thinktalk education consultancy. She is an associate tutor for King's College London's Let's Think in English cognitive acceleration programme and also works in support of a European Erasmus project on the assessment of thinking skills. Having spent over a decade working in education - as a teacher a deputy head and an advisor - Verity Jones is now a senior lecturer at the University of the West of England Bristol. She continues to provide training for both new and experienced teachers on how to ensure every child reaches their potential.

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