Falling into Grace: Exploring Our Inner Life with God
By (author): John Newton Steven Charleston
Jesus was quite clear that we must lose our life before we find it. This book gives a hopeful and realistic look at what losing our life entails, articulating how growth in the Christian life is not our ascent to God but the process by which our eyes are opened to the beauty God has already given to us. It is a book about descending into God, and into our own inner depths, about the deep waters of the Christian faith. Put out into the deep and let your nets down for a catch. (Luke 5:4)
We live in a world that values productivity and success, and we vainly imagine that God expects us to be spiritually productive and successful, too. It doesnt matter how much we talk about grace, our conversation is often narrowly focused on what we need to do for Godso much so that we often block the work God longs to do in us. This book does not articulate Gods work as a process by which we become spiritually strong, but rather as the process by which we embrace our weakness as the place where we most fully experience Gods perfect strength (2 Corinthians 12:9).