Civil Codes/Civil Law
The Global Evolution of Clinical Legal Education: More than a Method
Richard J. WilsonCurrent price €111.59Original price €123.99Globally, the methodologies of legal education have not changed in any fundamental way, some methods dating back hundreds of years. Law schools hav...
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Principles of Tort Law
Rachael MulheronCurrent price €52.24Original price €54.99Presenting the law of tort as a body of principles, this authoritative textbook gives an incisive understanding of the subject. Each tort is carefu...
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Ruling before the Law: The Politics of Legal Regimes in China and Indonesia
William HurstCurrent price €104.87Original price €113.99How do legal systems actually operate outside of Western European or North American liberal democracies? To understand law and legal institutions g...
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Insolvenzantragstellung wegen drohender Zahlungsunfaehigkeit - ein geeignetes Instrument zur Ermoeglichung einer fruehzeitigen Sanierung?
Sebastian KnappCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99Current price €86.39Original price €95.99Save 10% -
Das zivilprozessuale Revisionsverfahren im Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen Dispositionsmaxime und Entscheidungsinteresse: Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Verfahren aus dem Be...
Sanela HodzicCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99Current price €53.19Original price €55.99Save 5% -
Имущественный ущерб, причиненный пешеход
Джулиана Б. ПерейраCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Current price €41.79Original price €43.99Save 5% -
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States
U S Citizenship & Immigr ServicesCurrent price €13.29Original price €13.99Current price €13.29Original price €13.99Save 5% -
Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases
Judicial CollegeCurrent price €26.13Original price €27.50The Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages are designed to provide a clear and logical framework for the assessment of damages in persona...
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Revue Trimestrielle De Droit Civil, Volume 6...
Adhémar EsmeinCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Current price €44.99Original price €49.99Save 10% -
Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases
Judicial CollegeCurrent price €26.13Original price €27.50The Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages are designed to provide a clear and logical framework for the assessment of damages in persona...
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Rudolf von Seckendorff. Reichsgerichtspraesident und Gentleman: Zur Geschichte des Reichsgerichts im beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert
Timo GrlitzCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99Current price €61.19Original price €67.99Save 10% -
Rudolf von Seckendorff. Reichsgerichtspraesident und Gentleman: Zur Geschichte des Reichsgerichts im beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert
Timo GrlitzCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99Current price €61.19Original price €67.99Save 10% -
tude exprimentale sur le bton gopolymre base de poudre de verre
Subhashish DeyCurrent price €45.59Original price €47.99Current price €45.59Original price €47.99Save 5% -
Le statut de l''enfant conu et la rglementation de ses droits
Santos Javier Castillo RomeroCurrent price €69.34Original price €72.99Current price €69.34Original price €72.99Save 5% -
O estatuto da criana concebida e a regulamentao dos seus direitos
Santos Javier Castillo RomeroCurrent price €69.34Original price €72.99Current price €69.34Original price €72.99Save 5% -
Test sobre la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Tomo IV
Jos R Gomis FuentesCurrent price €18.39Original price €19.99Current price €18.39Original price €19.99Save 8% -
Test Derecho Mercantil. Contratos de seguro, mercado de valores y contratos bancarios
José R Gomis FuentesCurrent price €14.71Original price €15.99Current price €14.71Original price €15.99Save 8% -
Methoden- Und Verfassungsfragen Der Europäischen Rechtsangleichung
De GruyterCurrent price €91.19Original price €95.99Current price €91.19Original price €95.99Save 5% -
Louisiana Notary Exam Sample Questions and Answers 2024: Explanations Keyed to the Official Study Guide
Steven Alan ChildressCurrent price €35.09Original price €38.99Current price €35.09Original price €38.99Save 10% -
Der Faktor Zeit Im Schiedsverfahren
Christoph GrenzCurrent price €52.43Original price €56.99Die Frage, wie unerwunschte Verzoegerungen in Schiedsverfahren zu vermeiden sind und wie das Verfahren insgesamt gestrafft werden kann, ist eine im...
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Beware Euphoria: The Moral Roots and Racial Myths of America''s War on Drugs
George FisherCurrent price €37.79Original price €41.99Beware Euphoria uncovers the roots of America's moral obsession with drug regulation, offering a lively and fascinating history of the nation's rac...
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Rechtsgemeinschaft mit Tieren: Eine Spurensuche
Margot MichelCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99Dieses Open-Access-Buch fragt, ob die alten Begründungen, mit denen Tiere traditionell aus der Rechtsgemeinschaft ausgeschlossen wurden, noch trage...
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Louisiana Notary Exam Outline to the 2024 Study Guide: A Simpler Summary of the Official Book
Steven Alan ChildressCurrent price €32.36Original price €38.99Current price €32.36Original price €38.99Save 17% -
Cyberrisiken Und Versicherungsschutz: Eine Untersuchung Der Absicherung Von Cyberrisiken Durch Die Cyberversicherung Und Traditionelle Versicherungen Unter Beachtung Der Problematik Von Silent Cybe...
Carina ThullCurrent price €55.35Original price €61.50Current price €55.35Original price €61.50Save 10%