Clinical Psychology
Gli interventi sulla crisi: Una guida pratica
Albert RobertsCurrent price €47.49Original price €49.99Le persone rimaste coinvolte in un evento traumatico hanno bisogno di professionisti che forniscano loro un sostegno rapido ed efficace. Le situazi...
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Mon Amour trifft Pretty Woman: Liebespaare im Film
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €39.94Original price €46.99Die Liebe stellt das Kultur- und Menschheitsthema schlechthin dar, so ist es auch kein Wunder, dass kein anderes Sujet im Film einen vergleichbaren...
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Kompendium Praktische Psychiatrie: und Psychotherapie
Hans-Bernd RothenhäuslerCurrent price €62.55Original price €67.99Das Lehrbuch ist eine übersichtliche Einführung in die Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Es erläutert das Arbeitsfeld der Psychiatrie, die psychopath...
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Praxis der Viszeralchirurgie: Onkologische Chirurgie
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €164.34Original price €172.99Moderne onkologische Chirurgie ist immer interdisziplinär und umfasst chirurgische, chemotherapeutische und strahlentherapeutische Behandlungsverfa...
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Neuropsychologie psychischer Störungen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €113.15Original price €122.99Das Werk erläutert neuestes neuropsychologisches Wissen über psychische Störungen: Was muss ich als Psychologe/Psychiater über die Neuropsychologi...
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Seelische Gesundheit im Langzeitverlauf - Die Mannheimer Kohortenstudie: Ein 25-Jahres-Follow-up
Heinz SchepankCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99600 Probanden 30 Jahre: Ergebnisse der Mannheimer Kohortenstudie Die Mannheimer Kohortenstudie ist eine der aufwändigsten Untersuchungen zu Ursach...
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Hilfreiche Gespräche und heilsame Berührungen im Pflegealltag
Doris TropperCurrent price €33.24Original price €34.99Der bewährte Ratgeber für eine gelungene verbale und nonverbale Kommunikation mit Schwerkranken und alten Menschen! Professionell geführte Kommunik...
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Burnout und Prävention: Ein Lesebuch für Ärzte, Pfleger und Therapeuten
Ewald E. KrainzCurrent price €78.84Original price €82.99Immer öfter entwickeln Menschen in helfenden Berufen ein Burnout-Syndrom. Zu den schwerwiegendsten Symptomen zählt dabei die emotionale Erschöpfung...
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Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice
Palgrave MacmillanCurrent price €62.55Original price €67.99This book explores what 'critical' means for the talking therapies in a climate of increasing state influence and intervention. It looks at theoret...
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Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice
Palgrave MacmillanCurrent price €85.55Original price €92.99This book explores what 'critical' means for the talking therapies in a climate of increasing state influence and intervention. It looks at theoret...
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Rheuma bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Physio- und Ergotherapie
Arnold IllhardtCurrent price €24.69Original price €25.99Kinder und Jugendliche mit Rheuma sind eine besondere Herausforderung für Physio- und Ergotherapeuten, denn bei ihnen steht die Funktion der Gelenk...
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Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €37.04Original price €38.99Pocket Prescriber Psychiatry, 2E is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide containing all the 'must-have' information that psychiatrists and menta...
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Treating Depression: MCT, CBT, and Third Wave Therapies
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €95.94Original price €100.99A practical and conceptual guide to treating depression using both Beckian CBT and the latest, cutting-edge third wave CBT approaches, including mi...
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Werner WenkCurrent price €78.84Original price €82.99Physiotherapie Basics - anschaulich, farbig, praxisnah! Machen Sie sich fit für Prüfung und Berufsalltag mit einem lebendigen, bildorientierten Ler...
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Psychosocial Interventions for Genetically Influenced Problems in Childhood and Adolescence
Richard RendeCurrent price €57.59Original price €63.99How to weigh genetic factors while choosing the best psychosocial interventions Psychosocial Interventions for Genetically Influenced Problems in C...
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Psychological Recovery: Beyond Mental Illness
Lindsay G. OadesCurrent price €101.64Original price €106.99This book offers a succinct model of recovery from serious mental illness, synthesizing stories of lived experience to provide a framework for clin...
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Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.Current price €177.55Original price €192.99Every chapter has been updated to reflect current thought and research in the field. Chapters devoted to specialized tests in neuropsychology have ...
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Introduction to Clinical Psychology: An Evidence-Based Approach
Catherine M. LeeCurrent price €248.89Original price €261.99With well over half a century of experience in clinical psychology, Hunsley and Lees Introduction to Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition provides clin...
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CAMDEX-DS-II: The Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of Older People with Down Syndrome and Others with Intellectual Disabilities. (Version II) Starter pack: A comprehensive assessment for ...
Pavilion Publishing and Media LtdCurrent price €98.09Original price €108.99The CAMDEX-DS-II is a standardised structured schedule comprising the assessments necessary for facilitating the diagnosis of dementia in people wi...
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Psychoanalysis and Social Involvement: Interpretation and Action
U. HadarCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50This book considers psychoanalysis as an ethical enterprise, both on the level of the individual in analytic psychotherapy, and on the level of soc...
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Make Counselling Work for You: A guide for neurodivergent people
Jane L RentonCurrent price €15.19Original price €15.99Current price €15.19Original price €15.99Save 5% -
COVID-19: Psychological Research from 2020 on the Emerging Pandemic
Guilford PublicationsCurrent price €29.43Original price €31.99This book presents a range of research on COVID-19 and mental health from the earliest days of the pandemic. It features selected 2020 articles fro...
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Children: Applications and Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Autism, ADHD, OCD and More
Jodie WassnerCurrent price €32.29Original price €33.99Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) helps clients to embrace their feelings and use their personal values to improve their lives. Its popularit...
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