Telecommunications Relay Services to Assist Persons with Hearing or Speech Disabilities: Assessments
Since 2002, the overall minutes of use and costs for the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) program have grown significantly due to the advent of Internet-based forms of TRS and increased usage by the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. TRS allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls, often with the help of a communications assistant who acts as a translator or facilitator between the two parties having the conversation. FCC is the steward of the TRS program and the federal TRS Fund, which reimburses TRS providers. This book examines, among other things, changes in TRS services and costs since 2002; FCC''''s TRS performance goals and measures and how they compare with key characteristics of successful performance goals and measures; and the extent to which the design of the program''''s internal control system identifies and considers program risks.
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