Computer Programming / Software Development
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Geographical Data Imperfection 2
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc€138.99Geographical data often contains imperfections associated with insufficient precision, errors or incompleteness. If these imperfections are not ide...
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Programming for PaaS
Lucas Carlson€25.99Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is gaining serious traction among web and mobile developers, but as new PaaS providers emerge and existing vendors upg...
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Virtualization - A Managers Guide
Dan Kusnetzky€19.99What exactly is virtualization? As this concise book explains, virtualization is a smorgasbord of technologies that offer organizations many advant...
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Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A System of Patterns
Frank Buschmann€49.99Pattern-oriented software architecture is a new approach to software development. This book represents the progression and evolution of the pattern...
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Mining the Social Web
Matthew A. Russell€55.99Mine the rich data tucked away in popular social websites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. With the third edition of this popula...
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Macintosh Terminal Pocket Guide
Daniel J. Barrett€25.99Every Mac user knows how to work with windows and icons, but there is a wonderful application behind the scenes - the Terminal - that provides trem...
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Learning Agile
Andrew Stellman€49.99Agile has revolutionized the way teams approach software development, but with dozens of agile methodologies to choose from, the decision to "go ag...
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Thinking Like a Machine
De Gruyter€54.99In many modes of behavior, people act more and more like machines. In the context of work, people have become a human resource that can be replaced...
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Computers for Seniors
Carrie Ewin€29.99Computers for Seniors is a step-by-step guide that will take you all the way from pressing the 'On' button on your new computer to being a confiden...
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Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing
Douglas C. Schmidt€50.99The eagerly awaited Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA) Volume 4 is about a pattern language for distributed computing. The authors will...
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Android Security Internals
Nikolay Elenkov€50.10There are more than one billion Android devices in use today, each one a potential target. Unfortunately, many fundamental Android security feature...
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UML 2.0 in a Nutshell
Dan Pilone€40.99System developers have used modeling languages for decades to specify, visualize, construct, and document systems. The Unified Modeling Language (U...
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Security for Web Developers
John Paul Mueller€49.99As a web developer, you may not want to spend time making your web app secure, but it definitely comes with the territory. This practical guide pro...
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Kurt Smith€29.99Build software that combines Python's expressivity with the performance and control of C (and C++). It's possible with Cython, the compiler and hyb...
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Sold out JavaScript & jQuery
Jon Duckett€49.99Jon Duckett’s best-selling, full-color introduction to JavaScript—filled with techniques to make websites more interactive and engagingLearn JavaSc...
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Jim Waldo€29.99What if you could simplify Java to uncover its very best features, and learn how to build better applications with those parts alone? In this book,...
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Rails - Up and Running 2e
Bruce A. Tate€29.99In just a matter of days, you can develop powerful web applications with Rails that once took weeks or months to produce with other web frameworks....
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 For Dummies
Renato Bellu€27.50Accelerate your digital transformation and break down silos with Microsoft Dynamics 365 It’s no secret that running a business involves several com...
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Success of Open Source
Steven Weber€33.99Much of the innovative programming that powers the Internet, creates operating systems, and produces software is the result of “open source” code, ...
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Erfolgreiche Websites für öffentliche Einrichtungen für Dummies
Dorothea von Ruediger€38.99Zielgruppengerechte Websites für Behörden, Verwaltungen, Universitäten und Co. Öffentliche Einrichtungen sind verpflichtet, Bürgerinnen, Bürgern un...
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macOS Big Sur For Dummies
Bob LeVitus€27.50Your "get-started" guide to the world of macOS Big Sur Wherever you like to Mac—at home in front of your trusty iMac or over a coffee with your por...
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Coding Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies
Barry Burd€38.99Wenn Sie Webseiten oder mobile Apps entwickeln möchten, dann ist dieses Buch wie für Sie gemacht! Auch ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse steigen Sie einfach ...
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C für Dummies
Dan Gookin€28.50C erfreut sich als Klassiker unter den Programmiersprachen großer Beliebtheit, denn es steckt nach wie vor in vielen Betriebssystemen, Schnittstell...
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R Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies
Joseph Schmuller€38.99Wenn Sie R von Grund auf kennenlernen und auch die fortgeschrittenen Techniken zur Lösung gängiger Aufgaben bei der Datenanalyse mit R beherrschen ...
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