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1980s crosswords
1980s crosswords for adults
1980s pop culture
1980s puzzles
1980s puzzles for adults
80s crosswords for adults
80s pop culture
80s pop culture puzzle book
80s pop culture puzzles
80s puzzles
80s puzzles for adults
adult crosswords
adult puzzles
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B01=Francis Heaney
COP=United States
crosswords for adults
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nostalgic crosswords
nostalgic puzzles
pop culture crosswords
pop culture crosswords for adults
pop culture puzzle book
pop culture puzzles
pop culture puzzles for adults
Price_€10 to €20
puzzles for adults
themed crosswords
themed crosswords for adults
themed puzzle book
themed puzzles
themed puzzles for adults

Grids Just Wanna Have Fun


Are your crosswords skills and ‘80s knowledge outrageous and bodacious? In the vein of 2023’s New Grids on the Block, these totally tubular crosswords are all about the neon decade. And like its ‘90s counterpart, Grids Just Wanna Have Fun will feature a flock of all-new crosswords by top constructors, this time filled with gnarly ‘80s pop culture references. Need help? Don’t have a cow. Take a day off and invite friends over for an excellent solving adventure! If the puzzles stop making sense, don’t you forget about the answer section—it’ll help you out time after time. See more
1980s1980s crosswords1980s crosswords for adults1980s pop culture1980s puzzles1980s puzzles for adults80s crosswords for adults80s pop culture80s pop culture puzzle book80s pop culture puzzles80s puzzles80s puzzles for adultsadult crosswordsadult puzzlesAge Group_Uncategorizedautomatic-updateB01=Francis HeaneyCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=WDKCCOP=United Statescrosswords for adultsDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working dayseq_isMigrated=2Language_Englishnostalgianostalgic crosswordsnostalgic puzzlesPA=Availablepop culture crosswordspop culture crosswords for adultspop culture puzzle bookpop culture puzzlespop culture puzzles for adultsPrice_€10 to €20PS=Activepuzzles for adultssoftlaunchthemed crosswordsthemed crosswords for adultsthemed puzzle bookthemed puzzlesthemed puzzles for adults
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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 137 x 210mm
  • Publication Date: 27 Jun 2024
  • Publisher: Union Square & Co.
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781454953432


Francis Heaney (he/they) has been writing puzzles professionally since 1993 and editing them since not long after that. Their puzzles have appeared in Games magazine, the New York Times, Wired, Entertainment Weekly, the Wall Street Journal, Time Out, Al-Jazeera, and more, as well as in many books. They have also worked as a writer at Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and are currently a contributing writer and editor for the indie crossword service AVCX.

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