My Dog Has Epilepsy ...: ... but Lives Life to the Full! | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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My Dog Has Epilepsy ...: ... but Lives Life to the Full!


By (author): Gill Carrick

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from epilepsy. Its often described as an electrical storm in the brain, when millions of nerve cells fire together resulting in a seizure. These fits can vary from mild to severe, and can be dangerous for the dog and distressing for the owner to witness. Thankfully, theres a lot that can be done to help dogs with the disease live a full and happy life. Whether your dog has just been diagnosed with epilepsy, or has lived with the condition for some time, My Dog has Epilepsy ... but lives life to the full provides the answers to the questions that youre likely to have about this disease and shows the way forward. Packed with practical advice and input from leading neurological vets, this guide is an invaluable companion for owners, with chapters on the different types of seizures; why they happen; the signs to look out for; how to protect your dog from injury during convulsions; the importance of the right diagnosis; treatment options; the role of diet and exercise; and quality of life issues. See more
Current price €14.44
Original price €16.99
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A01=Gill CarrickAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Gill Carrickautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=WNGDCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Pre-orderLanguage_EnglishPA=Temporarily unavailablePrice_€10 to €20PS=Activesoftlaunch

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Product Details
  • Weight: 255g
  • Dimensions: 170 x 220mm
  • Publication Date: 15 Oct 2014
  • Publisher: David & Charles
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781845846190

About Gill Carrick

Gill Carrick is an author and feature writer whos contributed to a range of national newspapers and magazines in the UK and abroad. A former producer and presenter for BBC radio and TV Gill hosted her own health programme which was syndicated to radio stations across the UK. Gill is particularly interested in the subject of arthritis which she believes is an often overlooked area of concern for animals as well as humans. Her first book on arthritis Arthritis The Essential Guide was published in September 2011. Her second book on the subject My Dog has Arthritis but lives life to the full was published in 2012. My Cat has Arthritis but lives life to the full will be published in 2014.

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