Democratizing the Economics Debate | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
A01=Carlo D'Ippoliti
Accademia Dei Lincei
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Alessandro Roncaglia
Author_Carlo D'Ippoliti
Bibliometric Evaluation
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COP=United Kingdom
democratic debate
Economic Journal
Final Open Question
financial crisis
Formal Evaluation Schemes
Formal Research Evaluation
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Heterodox Economists
Heterodox Schools
Informed Peer Review
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mainstream economics
Mainstream Pluralism
Neoclassical Aggregate Production Function
Nihilist Relativism
PA=Temporarily unavailable
political economy
Price_€50 to €100
public debate
research evaluation
research paradigms
Stock Exchange Brokers
Throughput Legitimacy
Women Evaluators

Democratizing the Economics Debate


By (author): Carlo D'Ippoliti

More than a decade since the global financial crisis, economics does not exhibit signs of significant change. Mainstream economists act on an idealized image of science, which includes the convergence of all perspectives into a single supposed scientific truth. Democratizing the Economics Debate shows that this idealized image both provides an inadequate description of what science should be and misrepresents the recent past and current state of economics.

Economics has always been characterized by a plurality of competing perspectives and research paradigms, however, there is evidence of a worrying global involution in the last 40 years. Even as the production of economics publications has exploded, the economics debate is becoming less plural and increasingly hierarchical. Among several causes, the tendency to conformism has been exacerbated in recent years with the use of formal schemes of research quality evaluation. This book documents how such schemes now cover more than half of all economists worldwide and reviews the impact of biased methods of research evaluation on the stunting of levels of pluralism in economics.

The book will be of interest to anyone who worries for the state of the democratic debate. As experts who intervene in the public debate, economists must assure society that they are working in the best possible way, which includes fostering a wide and fair scientific debate. It is this test of social legitimacy that economics currently fails.

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A01=Carlo D'IppolitiAccademia Dei LinceiAge Group_UncategorizedAlessandro RoncagliaASNAuthor_Carlo D'Ippolitiautomatic-updatebiasBibliometric EvaluationBibliometric IndicatorsCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=KCACategory=KCPCategory=KCZCitation MetricsconformismCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Pre-orderdemocratic debateDORAEconomic Journaleq_business-finance-laweq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictionFinal Open Questionfinancial crisisFormal Evaluation SchemesFormal Research EvaluationFrequent SurnamesGdp GrowthGdp RatioHeterodox EconomistsHeterodox SchoolsInformed Peer ReviewJournal RankingsLanguage_Englishmainstream economicsMainstream PluralismNeoclassical Aggregate Production FunctionNihilist RelativismPA=Temporarily unavailablepluralismpolitical economyPrice_€50 to €100PS=Activepublic debateresearch evaluationresearch paradigmssoftlaunchStock Exchange BrokersThroughput LegitimacyWomen Evaluators

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Product Details
  • Weight: 260g
  • Dimensions: 138 x 216mm
  • Publication Date: 24 Mar 2020
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780367342012

About Carlo D'Ippoliti

Carlo D’Ippoliti is Associate Professor of Political Economy at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and editor of PSL Quarterly Review. He is the author of Economics and Diversity (Routledge, 2011) and co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Heterodox Economics (Routledge, 2017).

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