This title was first published in 2002: The adoption of the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol within the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the 2001 EU National Emission Ceilings (NEC) directive has made for much stronger European air pollution policies. This volume offers the first in-depth analysis available of this key development. Central questions discussed include: -What role did the three new Green member states joining the EU in 1995 play in this development? -Will these significantly stronger policies only be followed by weaker implementation? -Why are the EU emission ceilings more ambitious than those of CLRTAP? -Do these more ambitious EU NEC emission ceilings and wider trends such as EU enlargement signal that CLRTAP is fading away as a central forum for European policy development? Decision makers, negotiators and international and non-governmental organizations will benefit from this book as it discusses important institutional issues. Students and academics will also find it extremely useful.
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Product Details
Weight: 530g
Dimensions: 152 x 219mm
Publication Date: 22 Nov 2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781138731165
About Jørgen Wettestad
Wolfgang Stolper: Studies of law at University of Berlin and economics and law at University of Bonn early 1930s. Harvard PhD (econ) mid-1930s. Professor of economics University of Michigan -1980 Founder-Director Univ. of Michigan Center for Research on Economic Development . Visiting fellow MIT Center for International Studies 1958-59. Director Economic Planning Unit Federal Ministry of Economic Development Gov't of Nigeria 1960-62 Visiting fellow Harvard University Center for International Affairs 1962-63. Clive Gray: Harvard PhD (econ.) 1965. 1961-63 - assistant program economist USAID/Nigeria 1964-67 - agriculture adviser Ministry of Economic Planning Kenya 1968-70 - Harvard team leader National Planning Dept. Colombia 1971-72 - Harvard team leader Planning Commission Office Ethiopia 1972-76 - adviser Ministry of Communications Indonesia and (from 1974) Harvard team leader National Planning Dept. 1986-90 - Harvard team leader Min. of Economic Affairs Morocco 1970-2000 - Institute Fellow Harvard Institute for International Development 2000-01 - Senior Fellow in Development Kennedy School of Government Harvard University