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Human Freedom After Darwin
John Watkins€44.99Arguing that philosophical discussion of human freedom has been transformed by developments in modern science, especially evolutionary biology, the...
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H. Allen Orr€179.79Published by Sinauer Associates, an imprint of Oxford University Press. Over the last two decades, the study of speciation has expanded from a m...
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Plants, Patients, and the Historian
Paolo Palladino€36.50Plants, Patients, and the Historian examines the relationship between the act of historical recollection and the coming "age of genetic engineering...
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Assembling the Tree of Life
Oxford University Press Inc€107.99This edited volume is provides an authoritative synthesis of knowledge about the history of life. All the major groups of organisms are treated, by...
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Nietzsche's New Darwinism
Oxford University Press Inc€92.99Nietzsche wrote in a scientific culture transformed by Darwin. He read extensively in German and British Darwinists, and his own works dealt often ...
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Human Freedom After Darwin
John Watkins€22.99Arguing that philosophical discussion of human freedom has been transformed by developments in modern science, especially evolutionary biology, the...
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Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses
Princeton University Press€104.99Inducible defenses--those often dramatic phenotypic shifts in prey activated by biological agents ranging from predators to pathogens--are widespre...
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Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory
Elisabeth A. Lloyd€62.99Traditionally a scientific theory is viewed as based on universal laws of nature that serve as axioms for logical deduction. In analyzing the logic...
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Hunting Apes
Craig B. Stanford€25.27What makes humans unique? What makes us the most successful animal species inhabiting the Earth today? Most scientists agree that the key to our su...
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Foundations of Social Evolution
Steven A. Frank€87.99This is a masterly theoretical treatment of one of the central problems in evolutionary biology, the evolution of social cooperation and conflict. ...
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Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
Charles Darwin€43.99In the current resurgence of interest in the biological basis of animal behavior and social organization, the ideas and questions pursued by Charle...
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H. Charles J. Godfray€104.99Parasitoids lay their eggs on or in the bodies of other species of insect, and the parasitoid larvae develop by feeding on the host, causing its ev...
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Evolution of Culture in Animals
John Tyler Bonner€38.99Animals do have culture, maintains this delightfully illustrated and provocative book, which cites a number of fascinating instances of animal comm...
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Cultural Evolution
Tim Lewens€32.50Tim Lewens aims to understand what it means to take an evolutionary approach to cultural change, and why it is that this approach is often treated ...
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Marking Time
University of Toronto Press€70.99Scholars have long studied the impact of Charles Darwin’s writings on nineteenth-century culture. However, few have ventured to examine the precurs...
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Processes in Human Evolution
Camilo J. Cela-Conde€137.99The discoveries of the last decade have brought about a completely revised understanding of human evolution, due to the recent advances in genetics...
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Behavioral Ecology of the Eastern Red-backed Salamander
Birgit Gollmann€91.99The small, terrestrial eastern red-backed salamander is abundant on many forest floors of northeastern North America. Dr. Robert Jaeger and many of...
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Polygyny and Sexual Selection in Red-Winged Blackbirds
Ken Yasukawa€192.20The purpose of this book is to explain why red-winged blackbirds are polygynous and to describe the effects of this mating system on other aspects ...
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Quantitative Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Maria del Mar Delgado€68.99This novel, interdisciplinary text achieves an integration of empirical data and theory with the aid of mathematical models and statistical methods...
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Charles Darwin's Life With Birds
Clifford B. Frith€100.99Much of Charles Darwin's groundbreaking work as an evolutionary biologist stemmed from his study of birds. It is universally acknowledged that Darw...
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Darwin's Dice
Curtis Johnson€41.99For evolutionary biologists, the concept of chance has always played a significant role in the formation of evolutionary theory. As far back as Gre...
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Divergence with Genetic Exchange
Michael L. ArnoldCurrent price €49.99Original price €73.50The study of genetic exchange resulting from natural hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, and viral recombination has long been marked by contr...
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Mutation-Driven Evolution
Masatoshi NeiCurrent price €68.99Original price €72.74The purpose of this book is to present a new mechanistic theory of mutation-driven evolution based on recent advances in genomics and evolutionary ...
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Evolution of Sex Determination
Leo Beukeboom€77.99Sexual reproduction is a fundamental aspect of life. It is defined by the occurrence of meiosis and the fusion of two gametes of different sexes or...
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40 Years of Evolution
B. Rosemary Grant€62.99Renowned evolutionary biologists Peter and Rosemary Grant have produced landmark studies of the Galapagos finches first made famous by Charles Darw...
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Social Dynamics
Brian Skyrms€127.99Brian Skyrms presents eighteen essays which apply adaptive dynamics (of cultural evolution and individual learning) to social theory. Altruism, spi...
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Animal Athletes
Duncan J. Irschick€132.99Animals perform many athletic tasks to an amazing degree of accomplishment: not only spectacular feats of running and jumping but also routine acti...
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Social Dynamics
Brian Skyrms€49.99Brian Skyrms presents eighteen essays which apply adaptive dynamics (of cultural evolution and individual learning) to social theory. Altruism, spi...
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Artful Species
Oxford University Press€41.99The Artful Species explores the idea that our aesthetic responses and art behaviors are connected to our evolved human nature. Our humanoid forerun...
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From Hand to Handle
Lawrence Barham€112.99Mankind's utter dependency on technology extends back approximately three million years to the first stone tools, but it was only with the innovati...
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Animal Athletes
Duncan J. Irschick€64.99Animals perform many athletic tasks to an amazing degree of accomplishment: not only spectacular feats of running and jumping but also routine acti...
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Evolutionary Religion
Oxford University Press€31.99J. L. Schellenberg articulates and defends a simple but revolutionary idea: we are still at a very early stage in the possible history of intellige...
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Quantitative Genetics in the Wild
Oxford University Press€87.99Although the field of quantitative genetics - the study of the genetic basis of variation in quantitative characteristics such as body size, or rep...
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Evolutionary Emergence of Language
Oxford University Press€170.50The book presents new and stimulating approaches to the study of language evolution and considers their implications for future research. Leading s...
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Rapidly Evolving Genes and Genetic Systems
Oxford University Press€201.50Ever since the pioneering work of Darwin and Wallace, evolutionary biologists have attempted to understand the evolutionary dynamics of genetic sys...
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Odd Couples
Daphne J. Fairbairn€27.50While we joke that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, our gender differences can't compare to those of many other animals. For instance, t...
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Evolutionary Emergence of Language
Oxford University Press€58.99The book presents new and stimulating approaches to the study of language evolution and considers their implications for future research. Leading s...
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Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation
Günter P. Wagner€62.99Homology--a similar trait shared by different species and derived from common ancestry, such as a seal's fin and a bird's wing--is one of the most ...
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Ecological Speciation
Patrik Nosil€76.99The origin of biological diversity, via the formation of new species, can be inextricably linked to adaptation to the ecological environment. Speci...
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Evolution of Parental Care
Oxford University Press€186.00Parental care includes a wide variety of traits that enhance offspring development and survival. It is taxonomically widespread and is central to t...
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Artful Species
Oxford University Press€63.99The Artful Species explores the idea that our aesthetic responses and art behaviors are connected to our evolved human nature. Our humanoid forerun...
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Pillars of Evolution
Douglas W. Morris€137.99Pillars of Evolution provides a fresh and provocative perspective on adaptive evolution. Readers new to the study of evolution will find a refreshi...
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Social Origins of Language
Oxford University Press€189.10This book offers an exciting new perspective on the origins of language. Language is conceptualized as a collective invention, on the model of writ...
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Plant-Animal Communication
Graeme D. Ruxton€65.99Communication is an essential factor underpinning the interactions between species and the structure of their communities. Plant-animal interaction...
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Pillars of Evolution
Douglas W. Morris€76.99Pillars of Evolution provides a fresh and provocative perspective on adaptive evolution. Readers new to the study of evolution will find a refreshi...
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