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A01=Arthur Stonehill
A01=David Eiteman
A01=Michael Moffett
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Author_Arthur Stonehill
Author_David Eiteman
Author_Michael Moffett
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Multinational Business Finance, Global Edition

Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to make financial decisions that increase a firm's value, the authors have embedded real-world mini-cases throughout, applying chapter concepts to the types of situations managers of real multinational firms encounter.

The 16th Edition attempts to capture the rapid evolution of our global marketplace. It takes a closer look at the types of organizations that permeate the widespread arena, competition and opportunities in emerging markets. It also examines how financial leadership can integrate the strategic and financial challenges that global businesses face today.


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Current price €64.79
Original price €71.99
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A01=Arthur StonehillA01=David EitemanA01=Michael MoffettAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Arthur StonehillAuthor_David EitemanAuthor_Michael Moffettautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=KCLFCategory=KFFHCategory=KJVGCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=In stockPrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 1150g
  • Dimensions: 200 x 250mm
  • Publication Date: 16 Aug 2023
  • Publisher: Pearson Education Limited
  • Publication City/Country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781292445960

About Arthur StonehillDavid EitemanMichael Moffett

David K. Eiteman is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA. He has also held teaching or research appointments at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Showa Academy of Music (Japan) the National University of Singapore Dalian University (China) the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (Finland) University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Bradford (UK) Cranfield School of Management (UK) and IDEA (Argentina). He is a former president of the International Trade and Finance Association Society for Economics and Management in China and Western Finance Association. Professor Eiteman received a BBA (Business Administration) from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor (1952); MA (Economics) from the University of California Berkeley (1956); and a PhD (Finance) from North-western University (1959). He has authored or co-authored 4 books and 29 other publications. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Finance The International Trade Journal Financial Analysts Journal Journal of World Business Management International Business Horizons MSU Business Topics Public Utilities Fortnightly and others. Arthur I. Stonehill was a Professor of Finance and International Business Emeritus at Oregon State University where he taught for 24 years (1966 to 1990). During 1991 to 1997 he held a split appointment at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Copenhagen Business School. From 1997 to 2001 he continued as a Visiting Professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He has also held teaching or research appointments at the University of California Berkeley; Cranfield School of Management (UK); and the North European Management Institute (Norway). He was a former president of the Academy of International Business and was a western director of the Financial Management Association. Professor Stonehill received a BA (History) from Yale University (1953); an MBA from Harvard Business School (1957); and a PhD in Business Administration from the University of California Berkeley (1965). He was awarded honorary doctorates from the Aarhus School of Business (Denmark 1989) the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark 1992) and Lund University (Sweden 1998). He authored or co-authored 9 books and 25 other publications. His articles appeared in Financial Management Journal of International Business Studies California Management Review Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting International Business Review European Management Journal The Investment Analyst (UK) Nationaløkonomisk Tidskrift (Denmark) Sosialøkonomen (Norway) Journal of Financial Education and others. Michael H. Moffett is Continental Grain Professor in Finance at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University where he has been since 1994. He also has held teaching or research appointments at Oregon State University (1985 to 1993); the University of Michigan Ann Arbor (1991 to 1993); the Brookings Institution Washington DC; the University of Hawaii at Manoa; the Aarhus School of Business (Den-mark); the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (Finland) the International Centre for Public Enterprises (Yugoslavia); and the University of Colorado Boulder. Professor Moffett received a BA (Economics) from the University of Texas at Austin (1977) an MS (Resource Economics) from Colorado State University (1979) an MA (Economics) from the University of Colorado Boulder (1983) and PhD (Economics) from the University of Colorado Boulder (1985). He has authored co-authored or contributed to a number of books articles case studies and other publications. He has co-authored 2 books with Art Stonehill and David Eiteman Fundamentals of Multinational Finance and this book Multinational Business Finance. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Journal of International Money and Finance Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Contemporary Policy Issues Brookings Discussion Papers in International Economics and others. He has contributed to a number of collected works including the Handbook of Modern Finance the International Accounting and Finance Handbook and the Encyclopedia of International Business. He is also co-author of 2 books in multinational business with Michael Czinkota and Ilkka Ronkainen International Business (7th Edition) and Global Business (4th Edition) and The Global Oil and Gas Industry: Strategy Finance and Management with Andrew Inkpen.

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