Functional Analysis & Transforms
Relation entre les variables anthropomtriques et biomcaniques et le saut en longueur
Gerard ArockiarajCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Anthropometrische und biomechanische Variablen im Zusammenhang mit dem Weitsprung
Gerard ArockiarajCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Select Ideas in Partial Differential Equations
Peter J. CostaCurrent price €41.79Original price €43.99This book provides a concise but thorough introduction to partial differential equations which model phenomena that vary in both space and time. Th...
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Mathematics For Engineers - Volume 1: Numbers And Equations, Vectors And Matrices, Functions In One Variable, Differential Calculus
Thomas WestermannCurrent price €65.54Original price €68.99The Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences started an English-language Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering in 2021. In order to support ...
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Mathematics For Engineers - Volume 1: Numbers And Equations, Vectors And Matrices, Functions In One Variable, Differential Calculus
Thomas WestermannCurrent price €127.29Original price €133.99The Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences started an English-language Bachelor's program in Electrical Engineering in 2021. In order to support ...
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Spectral Analysis of N-Body Schrödinger Operators at Two-Cluster Thresholds
Erik SkibstedCurrent price €116.84Original price €122.99This book provides a systematic study of spectral and scattering theory for many-body Schrödinger operators at two-cluster thresholds. While the ...
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Partielle Differentialgleichungen und funktionalanalytische Grundlagen: Höhere Mathematik für Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler und Mathematiker
Andreas MeisterCurrent price €64.59Original price €67.99Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Bandes. Die Themenauswahl orientiert sich dabei ganz gezielt an den Bedürfnisse...
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Digital Fourier Analysis
Ken'iti KidoCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99This set collects the fundamental and advanced techniques outlined in both volumes. Beginning with the principles of sine/cosine decomposition, the...
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Fouriertransformation für Fußgänger
Tilman ButzCurrent price €33.24Original price €34.99Dieses unterhaltsame Lehrbuch wendet sich an alle, die in der Ausbildung und in ihrer beruflichen Praxis mit Fouriertransformationen zu tun haben.D...
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Around the Research of Vladimir Maz''ya I - III: Function Spaces, Partial Differential Equations, Analysis and Applications
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.Current price €183.34Original price €192.99Research articles and surveys from world-recognized mathematicians cover large areas in Analysis where the contributions of Prof. Maz'ya are fundam...
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A Glimpse at Hilbert Space Operators: Paul R. Halmos in Memoriam
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €97.84Original price €102.99Paul Richard Halmos, who lived a life of unbounded devotion to mathematics and to the mathematical community, died at the age of 90 on October 2, 2...
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Selected Papers I, II
William FellerCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99This extensive selection of William Fellers scientific papers shows the breadth of his oeuvre as well as the historical development of his scientif...
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Operator and Norm Inequalities and Related Topics
Birkhauser Verlag AGCurrent price €135.84Original price €142.99Inequalities play a central role in mathematics with various applications in other disciplines. The main goal of this contributed volume is to pres...
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Dtection du cancer du sein l''aide d''une combinaison de modles d''extraction de caractristiques
K Rajendra PrasadCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Deteco do cancro da mama atravs da combinao de modelos de extraco de caractersticas
K Rajendra PrasadCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Обнаружение рака молочной железы с помощь
К. Раджендра ПрасадCurrent price €21.84Original price €22.99Current price €21.84Original price €22.99Save 5% -
Penses parpilles suivies de pomes plbiens
Abdessadek Et-TahiriCurrent price €56.04Original price €58.99Current price €56.04Original price €58.99Save 5% -
Vladimir I. Arnold - Collected Works: Hydrodynamics, Bifurcation Theory, and Algebraic Geometry 1965-1972
Vladimir I. ArnoldCurrent price €145.34Original price €152.99Vladimir Arnold was one of the great mathematical scientists of our time. He is famous for both the breadth and the depth of his work. At the same ...
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Lectures on the Theory of Elliptic Functions, Vol. 1 (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Harris HancockCurrent price €27.89Original price €30.99Current price €27.89Original price €30.99Save 10% -
Introduction to Banach Spaces: Analysis and Probability 2 Volume Hardback Set (Series Numbers 166-167)
Daniel LiCurrent price €138.69Original price €145.99This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (p...
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Fréchet Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions and Porous Sets in Banach Spaces
David PreissCurrent price €96.89Original price €101.99This book makes a significant inroad into the unexpectedly difficult question of existence of Frechet derivatives of Lipschitz maps of Banach space...
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Sequential Models of Mathematical Physics
Simon SerovajskyCurrent price €117.79Original price €123.99The equations of mathematical physics are the mathematical models of the large class of phenomenon of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc. ...
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A First Course in Functional Analysis
Orr Moshe ShalitCurrent price €56.99Original price €59.99Written as a textbook, A First Course in Functional Analysis is an introduction to basic functional analysis and operator theory, with an emphasis ...
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Introduction to Modern Analysis
Ami ViselterCurrent price €113.04Original price €118.99This textbook provides an introduction to modern analysis aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate-level students of mathematics. Professional ...
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