General Studies
Save 17% The Times Good University Guide 2025: Where to go and what to study
Times BooksCurrent price €22.83Original price €27.50Essential guide to British universities that gives you all the information you need to make the crucial decisions on what to study, where to study,...
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Save 10% Manipulations: Hands at Work in European Modernism
Regina KarlCurrent price €99.89Original price €110.99To what extent does the production of art require the work of hands? And, reciprocally, to what extent does an artwork enable a tactile understand...
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Save 15% The Times Good University Guide 2026: Where to go and what to study
Times BooksCurrent price €23.38Original price €27.50Essential guide to British universities that gives you all the information you need to make the crucial decisions on what to study, where to study,...
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Save 10% Semiotics of Friendship: An Encyclopedic Approach
Claus EmmecheCurrent price €126.89Original price €140.99A friend should be able to be an attentive listener, which made semiotician Roland Barthes wonder in his intriguing dictionary of love, cannot frie...
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Save 10% Vivisection and Late-Victorian Literary Culture
Asha HornsbyCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Caribbean Men in the Arts: Demystifying Masculinities with Essays, Interviews, Poetry and Stories
Cambridge Scholars PublishingCurrent price €74.69Original price €82.99This collection showcases how different forms of manhood perform in artistic spaces. The selections take an in-depth review and exploration of the ...
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Save 15% Report of the Newman Demographic Survey, marking its 10th birthday in October, 1963 552
Anthony SpencerCurrent price €5.94Original price €6.99Current price €5.94Original price €6.99Save 15% -
Save 10% Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Über Die Äußerste Grenze Der Letzten Vereisung in Nordwest-Deutschland
Karl GrippCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Handausgabe Der Reichsabgabenordnung, Nachtrag 1
A NieberlCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
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Save 10% Erbschaftsteuergesetz Auf Grundlage Der Zweiten Steuer-Notverordnung Vom 19. Dezember 1923
Herbert SchachianCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Current price €102.59Original price €113.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Migration, Post-Socialism, and Diasporic Experiences. Fragmented Lives, Entangled Worlds / Migration, Postsozialismus und Diaspora-Erfahrungen. Fragmentierte Leben, verflochtene Welten
De GruyterCurrent price €51.29Original price €56.99This special issue scrutinises the migration and diasporic experiences of people from the former Soviet Union. It explores the intricate histori...
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Save 10% SOS: Medien des Überlebens: Die existenzielle Bedeutung von Lebenszeichen in Notfällen
Martin SieglerCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99SOS-Signale auf hoher See, Klopfzeichen in Trümmerfeldern, Flaschenposten am Strand: Wenn Menschen in Not geraten, müssen sie mit allen Mitteln auf...
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Save 10% Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende: Zur Ethik einer reproduktionsmedizinischen Praxis in der liberalen Gesellschaft
Clemens HeyderCurrent price €129.59Original price €143.99Ein striktes Verbot der Eizellspende ist in einer liberalen Gesellschaft nicht gerechtfertigt. Dennoch ist sie mit Problemen behaftet, die nicht ig...
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Save 10% Integral Transforms and Applications
Monika K. NaikCurrent price €141.29Original price €156.99This work presents the guiding principles of Integral Transforms needed for many applications when solving engineering and science problems. As a m...
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Save 10% Process Intensification: by Rotating Packed Beds
De GruyterCurrent price €74.69Original price €82.99Process intensification aims for increasing efficiency and sustainability of (bio-)chemical production processes. The second book of our two-book s...
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Save 10% Applied Linear Analysis for Chemical Engineers: A Multi-scale Approach with Mathematica®
Ram R. RatnakarCurrent price €91.79Original price €101.99This textbook gives a unified treatment of the solution of various linear equations that arise in science and engineering with examples. It is base...
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Save 10% Membrane Characterization: Porometries and Porosimetries
Antonio Hernández GiménezCurrent price €98.99Original price €109.99Membrane technology has become an essential tool in many industrial processes in which the separation or fractionation of various species is neces...
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Save 10% Figuren des Versagens: Poetik eines sozialen Urteils
Nora WeineltCurrent price €61.19Original price €67.99Merkur-Preis 2021 Die komparatistische Studie untersucht die Vorstellung des Versagens als eine Diskurs- und Denkgröße, die sich in westlichen k...
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Save 10% Popliteratur 3.0: Soziale Medien und Gegenwartsliteratur
De GruyterCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Mit der Digitalisierung erfährt der Literaturbetrieb der Gegenwart einen massiven Wandel. Autor*innen schaffen mithilfe der sozialen Medien zusätz...
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Save 10% Handlungsfreiheit und moralische Verantwortung: Über Helen Stewards Libertarismus als Voraussetzung tugendethischer Charakterbildung
Carolin Denise RutzmoserCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Ist libertarische Handlungsfreiheit eine Voraussetzung moralischer Verantwortung im tugendethischen Sinn? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wird die l...
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Save 10% Multi-level Mixed-Integer Optimization: Parametric Programming Approach
Efstratios PistikopoulosCurrent price €77.39Original price €85.99This book provides the fundamental underlying mathematical theory, numerical algorithms and effi cient computational tools for the solution of mult...
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