History Of Medicine
Showing 529 to 552 of 7202
A Dissertation on Cancerous Diseases. by Ber. Peyrilhe, M.D. ... Translated from the Latin, with Notes.
Bernard PeyrilheCurrent price €18.99Original price €19.99Current price €18.99Original price €19.99Save 5% -
Aide-Mmoire Du Chirurgien-Dentiste. 2e dition: Thrapeutique de la Carie Dentaire
PaquyCurrent price €28.49Original price €29.99Current price €28.49Original price €29.99Save 5% -
Trait Des Maladies de la Prostate Et Des Vsicules Sminales
Henri PicardCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
The Complete House-Keeper, and Professed Cook. Calculated for the Greater Ease and Assistance of Ladies, House-Keepers, Cooks, &C. &C. ... by Mary Smith, ...
Mary SmithCurrent price €25.18Original price €26.50Current price €25.18Original price €26.50Save 5% -
An Essay on Chimney Fire-Places; With Proposals for Improving Them, to Save Fuel; ... Illustrated with Engravings. by Benjamin Count of Rumford, ... the Third Edition, Corrected and Improved.
Benjamin ThompsonCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
An Essay on Glandular Secretion; Containing an Experimental Enquiry Into the Formation of Pus: And a Critical Examination Into an Opinion of Mr. John Hunter''s, That the Blood Is Alive. by James He...
James HendyCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Experimental Philosophy. by James Dinwiddie, A.M.
James DinwiddieCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
Methods of Cure, in Some Particular Cases of Insanity: The Epilepsy, Hypochondriacal Affection, Hysteric Passion, and Nervous Disorders. Prefixed with Some Account of Each of Those Complaints. by W...
William PerfectCurrent price €18.99Original price €19.99Current price €18.99Original price €19.99Save 5% -
Oeconomy in Brewing. the Second Edition. Concise Instructions for Brewing in Private Families. Calculated Solely for the Use of Those Who Are Desirous of Brewing Their Own Beer. ... by Wm. Ploughma...
William PloughmanCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
Nymphomania, Or, a Dissertation Concerning the Furor Uterinus. Clearly and Methodically Explaining the Beginning, Progress, and Different Causes of That Horrible Distemper.
D T De BienvilleCurrent price €20.89Original price €21.99Current price €20.89Original price €21.99Save 5% -
The Description and Use, of a New Constructed Octant, Sextant and Quintant. by His Majesty''s Patent, Being an Improvement on the Hadley''s Quadrant. ... by G. Wright.
Gabriel WrightCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
A Dissertation on the Errors of Marksmen and Gunmakers, and a Tract Upon the Art of Shooting Flying ... by ... Mr. Lemon.
MR LemonCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
A Genuine Detail of the Several Engagements, Positions, and Movements of the Royal and American Armies, During the Years 1775 and 1776; With an Accurate Account of the Lockade [Sic] of Boston, ... ...
William CarterCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
Arcandam''s Astrology, or Book of Destiny. Shewing the Method of Calculating Every Person''s Nativity, ... Death, &C. &C. ... with an Addition of Phisiognomy. ... Translated from the French of J. F...
Fr J NeveauCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
Thoughts on the Cancer of the Breast. by George Bell, Surgeon, at Redditch.
George BellCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
Observations, Anatomical and Physiological, Wherein Dr. Hunter''s Claim to Some Discoveries Is Examined. with Figures. by Alexander Monro Junior, M.D. ...
Alexander MonroCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
Directions and Prayers for the Use of the Patients in the Foul Wards of the Hospital in Southwark, Founded at the Sole Costs and Charges of Thomas Guy Esq.
Multiple ContributorsCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
A Perpetual Almanack, Consisting of Astronomical and Chronological Tables, ... Likewise a Table of the Visible Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, ... to Which Are Added, Tables for Calculating Lunar and...
Robert LowtherCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
The Description and Use of a New Instrument, Entitled the Mariner''s Journalet; Constructed and Sold by Robert Blackburne, Teacher of Navigation, &c. at No. 75, Near Durham-Yard, in the Strand.
Robert BlackburneCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
Some Account of the Termites, Which Are Found in Africa and Other Hot Climates. by Henry Smeathman, ...
Henry SmeathmanCurrent price €18.04Original price €18.99Current price €18.04Original price €18.99Save 5% -
Recherches Pratiques Sur La Conduite Tenir Dans Le Cholera Algide Ou Asiatique
Recamier-J-C-ACurrent price €17.09Original price €17.99Current price €17.09Original price €17.99Save 5% -
Communications to Dr. Rollo''s Work on Diabetes, from Dr. Pearson, Physician to St. George''s Hospital, ... London.
George PearsonCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
The Modern Cook''s, and Complete Housewife''s Companion. Being the Largest and Best Collection of New Receipts ... Adorned with Copper Plates, ... to Which Are Prefixed, Directions for a House Stew...
Vincent La ChapelleCurrent price €26.13Original price €27.50Current price €26.13Original price €27.50Save 5%
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