Industrial Chemistry & Manufacturing Technologies
Showing 1105 to 1128 of 2468
How to prepare Welding Procedures for Oil & Gas Pipelines: according to API 1104 latest edition
Mohamed Ahmed Elsayed P ECurrent price €25.18Original price €26.50Current price €25.18Original price €26.50Save 5% -
Principles and Applications of Mass Transfer: The Design of Separation Processes for Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Jaime BenitezCurrent price €112.09Original price €117.99Principles and Applications of Mass Transfer Core textbook teaching mass transfer fundamentals and applications for the design of separation proces...
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IA y la conciencia humana, explorar cuestiones filosficas y cientficas sobre la posibilidad de la conciencia en sistemas de inteligencia artificial.
Daniel SeniorCurrent price €18.99Original price €19.99Current price €18.99Original price €19.99Save 5% -
How to Use a Plasma Cutter: The Essential Handbook for Metal Artists and Fabricators
Fitzpatrick J ThompkinsCurrent price €13.29Original price €13.99Current price €13.29Original price €13.99Save 5% -
tudes sur la lixiviation en discontinu et dtermination du % de rcupration
Susarla Venkata Ananta Rama SastryCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Studien zur Chargenlaugung und Bestimmung der prozentualen Ausbeute
Susarla Venkata Ananta Rama SastryCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Исследования по периодическому выщелачи&
Сусарла Венка СастриCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Estudos sobre lixiviao em batelada e determinao da % de recuperao
Susarla Venkata Ananta Rama SastryCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Into The New Iron Age: Modern British Blacksmiths
Amina ChatwinCurrent price €40.49Original price €44.99There is now a great revival of creative smithing in Britain. How did it come about and what are the influences that helped to open up the craft to...
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Entwicklung einer Technologie zur Herstellung von neonogenen Demulgatoren
Movluda MirzaahmedovaCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99Current price €66.49Original price €69.99Save 5% -
New Technologies for Energy Transition Based on Sustainable Development Goals: Factors Contributing to Global Warming
Springer Verlag SingaporeCurrent price €202.34Original price €212.99This book describes numerous issues and brings an improved understanding of a key agenda item for the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The SDG...
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The Geopolitics of Hydrogen: Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €50.39Original price €55.99This open access book is a comprehensive exploration of European hydrogen policy, examining its development at both the EU level and in key Member ...
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Техническая оценка применения антикорро&
Робер Беника СарториCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Technical evaluation of the use of anti-corrosion protection in pipelines
Kirlene Salgado Fernandes PennaCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Technische Bewertung des Einsatzes von Korrosionsschutz in Pipelines
Kirlene Salgado Fernandes PennaCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Nouveau Manuel Du Menuisier Pour Tracer Et Construire Les Escaliers
HubertCurrent price €17.09Original price €17.99Current price €17.09Original price €17.99Save 5% -
Eco-Friendly Innovations: Applications of Green Chemistry in Everyday Life
V T HarikumarCurrent price €28.79Original price €31.99Current price €28.79Original price €31.99Save 10% -
valuation technique de l''utilisation de la protection anticorrosion dans les pipelines
Kirlene Salgado Fernandes PennaCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Dveloppement d''une technologie pour la production de dsmulsifiants nonognes
Movluda MirzaahmedovaCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99Current price €66.49Original price €69.99Save 5% -
Desenvolvimento de tecnologia para a produo de desemulsionantes neonognicos
Movluda MirzaahmedovaCurrent price €66.49Original price €69.99Current price €66.49Original price €69.99Save 5% -
Dchets de volaille: un adsorbant peu coteux pour les mtaux lourds dans les eaux uses
Shafaq MubarakCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Отходы птицеводства: недорогой адсорбент для удаления тяжелых
Шафак МубаракCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Geflgelabflle: ein kostengnstiges Adsorptionsmittel fr Schwermetalle aus Abwasser
Shafaq MubarakCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5%
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