Interfaith Relations
Save 10% Jérémie, un paradigme pour Paul?: Étude de l''emploi de textes jérémiens dans la rhétorique de quelques péricopes des deux lettres aux Corinthiens
Pierre de CurraizeCurrent price €104.39Original price €115.99Current price €104.39Original price €115.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Emergence of Judaism: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
Christine HayesCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Current price €44.99Original price €49.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Religious Literacy in Policy and Practice
Bristol University PressCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99This valuable book is the first to bring together theory and policy with analysis and expertise on practices in key areas of the public realm to ex...
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Save 10% Routledge Revivals: The Challenge of Islam (2005): Encounters in Interfaith Dialogue
Douglas PrattCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50First published in 2005, this book addresses the challenges arising from Christian-Muslim encounter and attempts to enable outsiders to understand ...
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Save 10% Radical Orthodoxy in a Pluralistic World: Desire, Beauty, and the Divine
Angus M. SlaterCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Radical Orthodoxy remains an important movement within Christian theology, but does it relate effectively with an increasingly pluralist and secula...
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Save 15% The Life and Work of W. Montgomery Watt
Edinburgh University PressCurrent price €23.38Original price €27.50This commemorative volume discusses aspects of the life and work of the internationally famous scholar Professor W. Montgomery Watt (19092006). His...
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Save 10% Jewish Christians in Puritan England
Aidan Cottrell-BoyceCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Among the proliferation of Puritan sects across England in the seventeenth century, a remarkable number began adopting demonstratively Jewish ritua...
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Save 10% Modernist Reformers in Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism, 1865-1935: Peripheral Geoculture in the Modern World-System
Christian LekonCurrent price €46.79Original price €51.99This volume presents a comparison of seven major religious reformers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: For Islam, Jamal ad-Din ...
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Save 10% Earth, Empire and Sacred Text: Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation
David L. JohnstonCurrent price €89.09Original price €98.99This book seeks to construct a Muslim-Christian theological discourse on creation and humanity, which could help adherents of both faiths work toge...
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Save 15% William Palmer: The Oxford Movement and a Quest for Orthodoxy
Robin WheelerCurrent price €39.94Original price €46.99Current price €39.94Original price €46.99Save 15% -
Save 10% Nostra Aetate: Celebrating 50 Years of the Catholic Churchs Dialogue with Jews and Muslims
The Catholic University of America PressCurrent price €39.59Original price €43.99Nostra Aetate is the shortest of the sixteen documents promulgated bythe Second Vatican Council. It is just five sections long. But the impact of t...
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Save 10% Über das Glück: Marinos, Das Leben des Proklos
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €107.09Original price €118.99Current price €107.09Original price €118.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Aqedah: Gen 22 as a Challenge for the Rationality of Religion in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
De GruyterCurrent price €99.89Original price €110.99The Aqedah, i.e., the story of the 'binding' of Isaac by Abraham, is a core text in all three Abrahamic religions and has been widely discussed in ...
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Save 10% Claiming Places: Reading Acts through the Lens of Ancient Colonization
Eric C. MooreCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Current price €92.69Original price €102.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Al di là della sottomissione: Una risposta teologica all''Islam
Rudolf KutscheraCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99Current price €20.69Original price €22.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Interkonfessionelle Aushandlungen im protestantischen Drama: Mittelalterliche Traditionslinien des geistlichen Spiels im Bibeldrama der Reformationszeit
Maximiliane Johanna Antonia GürthCurrent price €78.29Original price €86.99Current price €78.29Original price €86.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Dementia-Friendly Worship: A Multifaith Handbook for Chaplains, Clergy, and Faith Communities
Jessica Kingsley PublishersCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99Religious faith is a powerful source of comfort and support for individuals and families facing dementia. Many faith leaders need help in adapting ...
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Save 10% The Humanist Principle: On Compassion and Tolerance
Daisaku IkedaCurrent price €51.29Original price €56.99These are some of the urgent questions posed by this stimulating and wide-ranging new colloquy. Bringing together a wealth of wisdom and experience...
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Save 10% Sacred Snaps: Photovoice for Interfaith Engagement
Catherine HoltmannCurrent price €134.09Original price €148.99Sacred Snaps tells the story of a new approach to interfaith engagement. It is an invitation to see and engage religion, diversity, and inclusion t...
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Save 10% Sacred Snaps: Photovoice for Interfaith Engagement
Catherine HoltmannCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Sacred Snaps tells the story of a new approach to interfaith engagement. It is an invitation to see and engage religion, diversity, and inclusion t...
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Save 10% Sacred Snaps: Photovoice for Interfaith Engagement
Catherine HoltmannCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Sacred Snaps tells the story of a new approach to interfaith engagement. It is an invitation to see and engage religion, diversity, and inclusion t...
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Save 10% Sacred Snaps: Photovoice for Interfaith Engagement
Catherine HoltmannCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Sacred Snaps tells the story of a new approach to interfaith engagement. It is an invitation to see and engage religion, diversity, and inclusion t...
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Save 10% Beyond Dialogue: Building Bonds Between Christians and Muslims
Craig ConsidineCurrent price €62.09Original price €68.99In these times of rising tensions between Christians and Muslims across the world, the need for harmony and peace has never been more urgent. As on...
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Save 10% Beyond Dialogue: Building Bonds Between Christians and Muslims
Craig ConsidineCurrent price €62.09Original price €68.99In these times of rising tensions between Christians and Muslims across the world, the need for harmony and peace has never been more urgent. As on...
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