Interfaith Relations
Save 10% The Grammar of God in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
De GruyterCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Engendering an intimate and deep relationship with God is at the heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This relationship manifests, among other...
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Save 10% Presumed Guilty: Why We Shouldn''t Ask Muslims to Condemn Terrorism
Eboo PatelCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Save 10% An ''Open-Ended Distinctiveness'': The Contemporary Relevance of Wolfhart Pannenberg''s Participatory Ecclesiology and Ecumenism for World Christianity
Rev. Dr. Clement Yung WenCurrent price €132.29Original price €146.99Insofar as the twentieth century has often been referred to as 'the ecumenical century', the twenty-first seems poised to become known as 'the cent...
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Save 10% Gnade als trinitarisches Sein: Bruce McCormacks Theologie in ihrer Entwicklung aus analytischer und konstruktiver Barthrezeption
Justus GeilhufeCurrent price €98.09Original price €108.99Karl Barth is known as the Church Father of the 20th Century. However, its legacy is controversial in Europe, especially in North America. Here the...
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Save 10% Mystery of God, Mystery of Christ: Christian Engagement with Hindu Mysticism
Ysabel de AndiaCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Now available in English for the first time, Ysabel de Andia's double exploration of Christian and Hindu mysticism provides a valuable addition to ...
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Save 10% Jews and Entertainment in the Ancient World
Loren R. SpielmanCurrent price €143.99Original price €159.99Current price €143.99Original price €159.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Monotheism in Late Prophetic and Early Apocalyptic Literature: Studies of the Sofja Kovalevskaja Research Group on Early Jewish Monotheism Vol. III
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck)Current price €92.69Original price €102.99Discussion of early Jewish monotheism has focused on its origins in earlier Israelite religion, while its development in late prophetic and early a...
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Save 10% Experience, Culture and Religion in Systematic Theology: An Integrative and Pluriform Methodology
Edmond Zi-Kang ChuaCurrent price €30.59Original price €33.99Most systematicians take as their starting point the nature of God, and scripture as the means by which God's nature is revealed, but what would a ...
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Save 10% Building on the Ruins of the Temple: Apologetics and Polemics in Early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism
Adam GregermanCurrent price €131.39Original price €145.99Current price €131.39Original price €145.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Gospels and Their Stories in Anthropological Perspective
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €148.49Original price €164.99Current price €148.49Original price €164.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Jewish-Christianity and the History of Judaism: Collected Essays
Annette Yoshiko ReedCurrent price €182.69Original price €202.99Current price €182.69Original price €202.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Scriptures, Sacred Traditions, and Strategies of Religious Subversion: Studies in Discourse with the Work of Guy G. Stroumsa
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €97.19Original price €107.99Current price €97.19Original price €107.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Placing Ancient Texts: The Ritual and Rhetorical Use of Space
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €131.39Original price €145.99Current price €131.39Original price €145.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Ephesian Women in Greco-Roman and Early Christian Perspective
Elif Hilal KaramanCurrent price €88.19Original price €97.99Current price €88.19Original price €97.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Hellenistic Jewish Literature and the New Testament: Collected Essays
Carl R. HolladayCurrent price €182.69Original price €202.99Current price €182.69Original price €202.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Qumran, Early Judaism, and New Testament Interpretation: Kleine Schriften III
Jörg FreyCurrent price €216.89Original price €240.99Current price €216.89Original price €240.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Kaiser, Christ, and Canaan: The Religion of Israel in Protestant Germany, 1871-1918
Paul Michael KurtzCurrent price €139.49Original price €154.99Current price €139.49Original price €154.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Studies on Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries
Peter J. TomsonCurrent price €272.69Original price €302.99Current price €272.69Original price €302.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Scripture in Its Historical Contexts: Volume II: Exegesis, Hermeneutics, and Theology
James A. SandersCurrent price €131.39Original price €145.99Current price €131.39Original price €145.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Abraham''s Family: A Network of Meaning in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €165.59Original price €183.99Current price €165.59Original price €183.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Fate of the Dead in Early Third Century North African Christianity: The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas and Tertullian
Eliezer GonzalezCurrent price €80.09Original price €88.99The ideology and imagery in the Passion of Perpetua are mediated heavily by traditional Graeco-Roman culture; in particular, by traditional notions...
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Save 15% Tractates Tamid, Middot and Qinnim: Volume V/9. A Feminist Commentary
Dalia MarxCurrent price €95.19Original price €111.99Current price €95.19Original price €111.99Save 15% -
Save 10% The God Resheph in the Ancient Near East
Maciej M. MünnichCurrent price €134.99Original price €149.99Current price €134.99Original price €149.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Purpose of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity: From Performance to Exegesis
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €80.09Original price €88.99Current price €80.09Original price €88.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €97.19Original price €107.99Current price €97.19Original price €107.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Ancient Synagogue Seating Capacities: Methodology, Analysis and Limits
Chad S. SpigelCurrent price €148.49Original price €164.99Current price €148.49Original price €164.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Historical Jesus'' Death as ''Forgiveness of Sins'': A Comparative Study of Paul and Matthew
JongHyun KwonCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Current price €92.69Original price €102.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Love and Justice: Consonance or Dissonance? Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, Conference 2016
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €100.79Original price €111.99Current price €100.79Original price €111.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Divine Image: Prophetic Aniconic Rhetoric and Its Contribution to the Aniconism Debate
Jill MiddlemasCurrent price €75.59Original price €83.99Although attempts to understand the growth of aniconism focus on the Pentateuchal legal material, scholars increasingly make reference to the proph...
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Save 10% Collected Studies on the Septuagint: From Language to Interpretation and Beyond
Jan JoostenCurrent price €109.79Original price €121.99Current price €109.79Original price €121.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Listening to the Spirit: The Radical Social Gospel, Sacred Value, and Broad-based Community Organizing
Aaron StaufferCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99Broad-based community organizing (BBCO) is perhaps the most widely used form of political participation supported by American religious institution...
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Save 10% Rabbinic Parodies of Jewish and Christian Literature
Holger Michael ZellentinCurrent price €122.39Original price €135.99Current price €122.39Original price €135.99Save 10% -
Save 10% The Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums in Its Historical Context
Henry C. SoussanCurrent price €75.59Original price €83.99Current price €75.59Original price €83.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Cotton Mather and Biblia Americana - America''s First Bible Commentary: Essays in Reappraisal
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €139.49Original price €154.99Current price €139.49Original price €154.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Re-Making the World: Christianity and Categories: Essays in Honor of Karen L. King
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €161.09Original price €178.99Current price €161.09Original price €178.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Current price €100.79Original price €111.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Kierkegaard and the Concept of Religious Authorship
Keith H. LaneCurrent price €66.59Original price €73.99Current price €66.59Original price €73.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Interpreting Religion: The Significance of Friedrich Schleiermacher''s ''Reden über die Religion'' for Religious Studies and Theology
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €75.59Original price €83.99Current price €75.59Original price €83.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Toledot Yeshu (The Life Story of Jesus) Revisited: A Princeton Conference
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €109.79Original price €121.99Current price €109.79Original price €121.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Current price €134.99Original price €149.99Save 10% -
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Save 10% Narratives about Jews among Muslims in Norway: A qualitative interview study
Vibeke Moe BjørnbekkCurrent price €78.29Original price €86.99What is the nature of Muslim-Jewish relations in Europe today? Based on qualitative interview data, this book explores narratives about Jews among ...
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Save 10% Shoah through Muslim Eyes
Mehnaz M. AfridiCurrent price €23.85Original price €26.50In Shoah Through Muslim Eyes, the author discusses her journey with Judaism as a Muslim. Her book is based on the struggle with antisemitism within...
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Save 10% Current price €165.59Original price €183.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Protestant-Catholic Conflict from the Reformation to the 21st Century: The Dynamics of Religious Difference
John WolffeCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Taking a fresh look at the roots and implications of the enduring major historic fissure in Western Christianity, this book presents new insights i...
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Save 10% Holy Russia, Sacred Israel: Jewish-Christian Encounters in Russian Religious Thought
Dominic RubinCurrent price €94.49Original price €104.99Holy Russia, Sacred Israel examines how Russian religious thinkers, both Jewish and Christian, conceived of Judaism, Jewry and the 'Old Testament' ...
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Save 10% Persecution, Polemic, and Dialogue: Essays in Jewish-Christian Relations
David BergerCurrent price €107.09Original price €118.99Persecution, Polemic, and Dialogue follows the interaction between Jews and Christians through the ages in all its richness, complexity, and divers...
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