Jurisprudence & Philosophy of Law
Save 5% Horizontal Rights: An Institutional Approach
Dr Gautam BhatiaCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99This book provides a new conceptual model for considering constitutional rights from a comparative perspective. A prestigious club bars women from ...
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Save 10% Vergeltung und Verfahren: Zur Verbrechensdarstellung vor der klassischen Kriminalliteratur
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €92.69Original price €102.99Diesem Band geht es dezidiert nicht darum, eine teleologische Großerzählung zu schreiben, mit der die Erfolgsgeschichte von Kriminalroman und Detek...
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Save 10% Value and Circumstance: Justice, Consent, Equality, and Law
Timothy MacklemCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Four values--justice, consent, equality, and collective decision in the form of law--have profoundly shaped the practice of law in the twentieth ce...
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Save 5% Liquid Legal Sustaining the Rule of Law: Artificial Intelligence, E-Justice, and the Cloud
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €107.34Original price €112.99This book is a comprehensive guide for legal, business, and technology professionals seeking to understand the intersection of sustainability and e...
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Save 10% Secularism and Freedom of Religion in Italy: Religious Symbols in the Public Space
Maria Cristina IvaldiCurrent price €134.09Original price €148.99The display of religious symbols in the public space has been the subject of much debate. This book provides an overview of the presence of religio...
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Save 5% Purely Formal Legal Theory: Deontic Networks
Ottavio QuiricoCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99This book elaborates on deontic logic and network theory to present a reductionist theory of the law, disclosing a simple understanding of legal no...
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Save 5% Notwehrprovokation: Zugleich ein Beitrag zu den moralphilosophischen Grundlagen des Notwehrrechts
Leandro DiasCurrent price €88.34Original price €92.99Current price €88.34Original price €92.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Additive Überwachungsmaßnahmen: Ein Beitrag zur Dogmatik additiver Grundrechtseingriffe sowie zur Konturierung des Verbots der Rundumüberwachung
Christian BenzCurrent price €92.14Original price €96.99Current price €92.14Original price €96.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Der Restitutionsschutz subjektiver Rechte
Sebastian HitzelCurrent price €136.79Original price €143.99Current price €136.79Original price €143.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Wetlands Law and Policy: Understanding Section 404, Second Edition
Kim Diana ConnollyCurrent price €114.94Original price €120.99The federal government has taken the primary role in protecting the nation's wetlands, with the centerpiece of these efforts the Clean Water Act's ...
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Save 5% Mitteleuropa und das römische Recht: Methodische Herausforderungen an die Romanistik im Kontext der neuen politischen Ordnung nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg
Mohr SiebeckCurrent price €87.39Original price €91.99Current price €87.39Original price €91.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Zitierpraxis von Verfassungsgerichten: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Rechtsprechung von Bundesverfassungsgericht und Supreme Court of Canada
Laura WittmannCurrent price €78.84Original price €82.99Current price €78.84Original price €82.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Geld oder Gerechtigkeit?: Eine Diskursanalyse zur Rezeption der Rechtsökonomik
Milena MaurerCurrent price €88.34Original price €92.99Current price €88.34Original price €92.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Uniform Law: Legal Responses to Globalisation. Finalised for publication by Jannis Gries
Jürgen BasedowCurrent price €125.39Original price €131.99Current price €125.39Original price €131.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Modern Studies in Property Law, Volume 12
Bloomsbury Publishing PLCCurrent price €69.34Original price €72.99This edited collection of papers comes from the well-established Modern Studies in Property Law biennial conference. It examines a diverse range of...
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Save 5% The New Haven School: American International Law
R'i'an DerrigCurrent price €108.29Original price €113.99The New Haven School was a school of legal theory and practice that was developed and taught at Yale Law School and named for its place of origin. ...
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Save 10% Just Price Theory: A Reassessment
Joaquín ReyesCurrent price €47.69Original price €52.99This book presents an original theory of the just price, and it is a welcome addition to scholarship on a radically underdeveloped field. This wo...
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Save 10% Constitutional Conventions: Theories, Practices and Dynamics
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €134.09Original price €148.99This book analyses constitutional conventions as a powerful but largely neglected framework for studying the law and politics of constitutions.Cons...
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Save 5% Recognized women:: a theory of recognition of women and case studies
Carolina Diamantino Esser SantanaCurrent price €88.34Original price €92.99Axel Honneths theory of recognition comes from a theoretical paradigm attached to Western deliberative democracy. Honneth does not interpret recogn...
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Save 10% The Normativity of Law
Michael GiudiceCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99In the philosophy of law there has been a proliferation of advanced work in the last thirty years on the normativity of law. Recent theories explo...
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Save 10% Quo Vadis, Sovereignty?: New Conceptual and Regulatory Boundaries in the Age of Digital China
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99This book presents an interdisciplinary exploration of digital sovereignty in China, which are addressed mainly from political, legal and historica...
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Save 10% Women Accused of Sexual Harassment
Leslie MargolinCurrent price €101.69Original price €112.99This book examines whether sexual harassment allegations against women in colleges and universities are different from harassment allegations again...
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Save 5% Legal Temporalities of Sexual Consent
Caroline DerryCurrent price €98.79Original price €103.99This book offers new perspectives on two key themes: the criminal law of sexual consent and the temporalities of law. It uses detailed feminist ana...
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Save 5% Beyond Legal Positivism: The Moral Authority of Law
Whitley R. P. KaufmanCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99Legal Positivism has been the dominant school of legal philosophy for much of the last century, despite its many critics. Its central tenet has lon...
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Save 5% Unternehmensrechtliche Selbstregulierung und ihre Erfolgsbedingungen: Eine rechtsökonomische, -soziologische und -vergleichende Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung übernahme- und insiderrechtlic...
Leonid AleinerCurrent price €56.04Original price €58.99Current price €56.04Original price €58.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Der Gesetzesvorbehalt im Privatrecht: Eine nach Rechtsfunktionen differenzierende Betrachtung
Victor David JouannaudCurrent price €110.19Original price €115.99Current price €110.19Original price €115.99Save 5% -
Save 5% Die Abkehr von der vor-rechtsstaatlichen Vergangenheit der DDR: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Parteiengesetzes der DDR und der Unabhängigen Kommission zur Überprüfung des Vermögens der Part...
Katharina LeuschCurrent price €92.14Original price €96.99Current price €92.14Original price €96.99Save 5% -
Save 10% Risk and Responsibility in Context
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99This volume bridges contemporary philosophical conceptions of risk and responsibility and offers an extensive examination of the topic. It shows th...
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Save 10% Cosmopolitanism, State Sovereignty and International Law and Politics: A Theory
Jorge E. NúñezCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two co...
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Save 8% Constitutionality of Law without a Constitutional Court: A View from Europe
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €45.99Original price €49.99This book analyses the problem of the possibility of guaranteeing the constitutionality of law in cases when a constitutional court either has been...
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Save 10% Religion, Human Rights, and the Workplace: Judicial Balancing in the United States Federal Courts and the European Court of Human Rights
Gregory MoseCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Religious freedom is a fundamental and relatively uncontested right in both the United States and Europe. But other values like equality, justice, ...
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Save 5% Fundamental Labour Rights and the Constitution: Constitutional Balancing in Italy and Spain
Giulia FrosecchiCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99The book reflects on constitutional balancing from the perspective of fundamental labour rights. It draws on neo-constitutional theories and builds...
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Save 10% Leading Works in Health Law and Ethics
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Health and healthcare are vitally important to all of us, and academic interest in the law regulating health has, over the last 50 years, become an...
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Save 10% Sentencing, Public Opinion, and Criminal Justice: Essays in Honour of Julian V Roberts
Oxford University PressCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99This volume celebrates the achievements of Julian V Roberts KC (Hon), Emeritus Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford, over 40 years ...
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Save 10% Accommodating Diversity in Multilevel Constitutional Orders: Legal Mechanisms of Divergence and Convergence
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99This book offers insights into the legal mechanisms that are adopted in multilevel constitutional orders to accommodate the tension between contras...
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Save 10% Leading Works on the Legal Profession
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99This collection provides an innovative and engaging way of assessing the development of legal profession scholarship and its potential future devel...
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