Laws of Specific Jurisdictions
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Gary BellCurrent price €11.47Original price €13.99Elliot Rook QC is one of the greatest barristers of his generation. He is also a complete fraud. Elliot Rook is the epitome of a highly successf...
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Il-Hajja u l-Istorja ta’ Gorg Agius magħruf bħala 'Tal-Mużew'
Doris Zammit€24.95Min ma semax b’Ġorġ tal-Mużew, li jqabbel?... Ġabra ta pubblikazzjonijiet mhux biss dwar l-istorja ta’ ħajtu, imma fuq kollox tinkludi l-ġabra taqb...
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Dido d-dudu - Sensiela Fanali Blu Ir-Raba' Livell
Agenda Bookshop€3.26Fanali Blu wara li t-tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Oranġjo u qraw il-flexkards sett 4 ta’ din is-sensiela. Dawn il-kotba jagħmlu parti mill-programm ta...
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Ix-xiħ mar is-suq Sensiela Fanali Oranġjo It-Tielet Livell
Agenda Bookshop€3.26Fanali Oranġjo wara li -tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Vjola u qraw il-flexkards sett 3 ta’ din is-sensiela. Kliem b’sillaba waħda b’għenieqed konsonant...
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Criminal Law Handbook
Stefano Filletti€25.00This Criminal Law Handbook is intended to consolidate past teaching and doctrine on Maltese Criminal Law that has withstood the test of time and ar...
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Uff! Uff! Sensiela Fanali Oranġjo It-Tielet Livell
Agenda Bookshop€3.26Fanali Oranġjo wara li t-tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Vjola u qraw il-flexkards sett 3 ta’ din is-sensiela. Kliem b’sillaba waħda b’għenieqed konsonan...
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Sensiela fanali 4: Riha ta Hruq
Chris Bugeja€3.26UŻA SETT 4: Fanali Blu wara li t-tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Oranġjo u qraw il-flexkards sett 4 ta’ din is-sensiela. Dawn il-kotba jagħmlu parti mill...
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Decoding Administrative Law
Robert Musumeci€28.00“I think that this oeuvre should be the first book to be read on administrative law before embarking upon to read other administrative law publicat...
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The Siege of Malta 1565 - Di Correggio
Francisco Balbi Di CorreggioCurrent price €9.59Original price €9.99Current price €9.59Original price €9.99Save 4% -
Studies in Maltese Regulation Financial Services Law
Dr David Fabri€38.00Marcel Cassar, CEO, APS Bank and Chairman, Malta Bankers’ Association, describes the book as, “David Fabri’s preoccupation in bringing this opus to...
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The Secret Barrister: Stories of the Law and How It''s Broken
The Secret BarristerCurrent price €15.35Original price €15.99An anonymous barrister offers a shocking, darkly comic and very moving journey through the legal system and explains how it's failing all of us.Th...
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Sika u s-Sandli l-Aħmar Il-Praspar ta' Sika
Ursola Borg€2.95Sika u oħtha kienu qed jistennew il-Milied bil-ħerqa bħas-soltu. Minbarra l-kant, l-ikel u l-presepju, kienu jistennew bil-ħerqa r-rigali. U din id...
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Navigating the Maltese Mediascape
Joe Borg€39.99“Navigating the Maltese Mediascape is a firstrate work by firstrate professional experts in the field providing excellent, original, wellresearched...
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FRAMED: Astonishing True Crime Stories of Wrongful Convictions, told as only John Grisham can
Jim McCloskeyCurrent price €27.19Original price €31.99Ten wrongful conviction cases. Twenty-one innocent people. Framed tells ten stories with a truth more shocking than fiction.John Grisham, the maste...
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A Critical Guide to Intellectual Property
Candice FoxCurrent price €28.49Original price €29.99Ours is an era when human genes can be copied and patented. From genetically modified foods to digital piracy, the concept of intellectual property...
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Concentrate Questions and Answers Tort Law: Law Q&A Revision and Study Guide
Dr Karen DyerCurrent price €17.76Original price €18.50The Concentrate Q&A series is the result of a collaboration involving hundreds of law students and lecturers from universities across the UK. E...
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The Architectural Heritage of the Maltese Islands
George A Said-ZammitCurrent price €10.20Original price €12.00Current price €10.20Original price €12.00Save 15% -
Manwel Magri€8.50These stories form part of a much larger collection of Maltese folk tales gathered by the Jesuit priest Manwel Magri whose 62 tales (including 13 v...
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Charles Daniel Saliba€7.50Charles Daniel Saliba għadu kemm nieda l-ktieb Malti għall-Eżamijiet b’Pariri u Tweġibiet! Dan il-ktieb qiegħed imfassal apposta biex jgħinek u jig...
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