Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
Acetylation Method
Acid Phosphatase
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B01=Jean-Marie Exbrayat
Bismuth Iodide
Bouin’s Fluid
Cacodylate Buffer pH
Carnoy’s Fluid
COP=United States
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Distilled Water
DNA Content
DNA Image Cytometry
Donor Block
electron microscopy
image analysis
Lanthanum Nitrate
Light Microscopy
Luxol Fast Blue
Mayer’s Hemalum
Methyl Green Pyronine
Nuclear Fast Red
Osmium Tetroxide
Price_€100 and above
Recipient Block
Schiff’s Reagent
TMA Block
TMA Construction
TMA Section
TMA Slide
Uranyl Acetate

Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization


Histochemistry and cytochemistry are important fields for studying the inner workings of cells and tissues of the body. While visualization techniques have been in use for many years, new methods of detection developed recently help researchers and practitioners better understand cell activity. Histochemical and Cytochemical Methods of Visualization describes the essential techniques that can be used for histochemical investigations in both light and transmission electron microscopy.

The book begins by discussing techniques in light microscopy. It reviews classical methods of visualization, histochemical and histoenzymatic methods, and methods used to visualize cell proliferation and apoptosis. Next, the book examines the cytochemical methods used in electron microscopy with traditional techniques, as well as more specialized methods. The final section provides an overview of image analysis and describes how image processing methods can be used to extract vital information. A 16-page insert supplies color illustrations to enhance the text.

Techniques will continue to adapt to the latest technological innovations, allowing more and more precise quantification of images. These developments are essential to the biological as well as the medical sciences. This manual is a critical resource for novice and experienced researchers, technicians, and students who need to visualize what happens in the cell, the molecules expressed, the main enzymatic activities, and the repercussions of the molecular activities upon the structure of the cells in the body.

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Acetylation MethodAcid PhosphataseAge Group_Uncategorizedautomatic-updateB01=Jean-Marie ExbrayatBismuth IodideBouin’s FluidCacodylate Buffer pHCarnoy’s FluidCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=PDNCategory=PDNDCategory=PHCategory=PSACategory=PSDCategory=PSFCOP=United StatesCytochemistryDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysDFCDistilled WaterDNA ContentDNA Image CytometryDonor Blockelectron microscopyeq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_scienceHistochemistryhistoenzymologyimage analysisLanguage_EnglishLanthanum NitrateLight MicroscopyLuxol Fast BlueMayer’s HemalumMethyl Green PyronineNuclear Fast RedOsmium TetroxidePA=AvailablePrice_€100 and abovePS=ActiveRecipient BlockSchiff’s ReagentsoftlaunchTMA BlockTMA ConstructionTMA SectionTMA SlideUranyl Acetate
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Product Details
  • Weight: 861g
  • Dimensions: 178 x 254mm
  • Publication Date: 05 Jun 2013
  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis Inc
  • Publication City/Country: US
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781439822227


Jean-Marie Exbrayat, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a professor at Catholic University of Lyon (France) where he manages the Laboratory of General Biology. He is also directeur d’etudes (professor) at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, where he manages the Laboratory of Comparative Reproduction and Development. Dr. Exbrayat earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in 1974 and 1977, respectively, from Montpellier University (France). He earned his D. Sci. in 1986 from Paris 6 University. He teaches animal biology, histology and embryology, and history and philosophy of sciences. He was the head of the School of Histology for 25 years, and dean of the Faculty of Sciences (1997 until 2005). Dr. Exbrayat is a member of several scientific societies. He has published more than 300 papers and 12 books. His current major interests include the variations of genital tracts and endocrine organs during reproductive cycles related to external and internal factors, and embryonic development in both lower and higher vertebrates, as well as the history and philosophy of sciences, especially evolutionary biology.

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