Literary Studies: General
White Tongue, Brown Skin: The Colonized Woman and Language
Maya BoutaghouCurrent price €100.79Original price €111.99Examines the effect of prescribed multilingualism as expressed by women writers in colonial contexts What does it mean to be an heir, as a woman wr...
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Erosion: American Environments and the Anxiety of Disappearance
Gina CaisonCurrent price €24.75Original price €27.50In Erosion, Gina Caison traces how American authors and photographers have grappled with soil erosion as a material reality that shapes narratives ...
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The Theatre of Anxiety: Border Crossings in 21st-Century British Theatre
Leila Michelle VaziriCurrent price €94.49Original price €104.99We are living in times when populism, war and climate change are all sources of anxiety caused by overlapping crises. Anxiety is a phenomenon that ...
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Art, Nature, and Self-Formation in the Age of Goethe
De GruyterCurrent price €114.29Original price €126.99This volume looks to core ideas defining Goethes work and his influence on his contemporaries and inheritors. Contributions to this volume explore ...
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Approaching the Ancient Artifact: Representation, Narrative, and Function
De GruyterCurrent price €134.99Original price €149.99This volume consists consists of forty contributions written by an internationally renowned selection of scholars. The authors adopt an interdiscip...
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Charakterfokalisation bei Lucan: Eine narratologische Analyse
Kathrin LudwigCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99The Göttinger Forum was founded in 1998 as a free, electronic publication and alternative to conventional journals. The GFA contains multi-discipli...
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Medieval Oral Literature
De GruyterCurrent price €42.29Original price €46.99Medieval literature is to a large extent based on oral tradition and permeated by various forms of orality: literary texts were commonly read aloud...
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Die Literatur der Roma Frankreichs
Julia BlandfortCurrent price €25.65Original price €28.50With its new subtitle, Romance Literatures of the World, the book series mimesis presents an innovative and integral understanding of the Romance w...
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Kellers Welten: Territorien Ordnungen Zirkulationen
De GruyterCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99Gottfried Kellers Welten erscheint als dritter Band der Serie Gottfried Kellers Moderne. Kellers Jahrhundert ist das der Industrialisierung, des Im...
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Author Fictions: Narrative Representations of Literary Authorship since 1800
Ingo BerensmeyerCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Fictional novelists and other author characters have been a staple of novels and stories from the early nineteenth century onwards. What is it that...
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La emancipación de América Central en su retrospectiva (18212021): Múltiples facetas de las Independencias
De GruyterCurrent price €77.39Original price €85.99The contributions gathered in this volume revisit the two centuries that have elapsed since Central America's independence in 1821. This highly co...
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Kellers Wissen: Dinge Diskurse Praktiken
De GruyterCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99Kellers Wissen erscheint als vierter Band der Serie Gottfried Kellers Moderne. Kellers Texte akkumulieren, transformieren und generieren Wissen. Se...
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Der Tod und seine Presse: Nachrufe im literarischen Feuilleton der Zwischenkriegszeit
De GruyterCurrent price €94.49Original price €104.99Zeitungsnachrufe sind Gelegenheitstexte, die anlässlich von Sterbefällen und Todestagen entstehen. Wen würdigt der Abschieds-Journalismus mit solc...
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Kleinformate im Umbruch: Mobile Medien für Widerstand und Kooperation (19181933)
De GruyterCurrent price €70.19Original price €77.99Gerade in Krisenmomenten treten kleine Formen und Formate in stabilisierender oder mobilisierender Funktion auf. In der Zwischenkriegszeit erschein...
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Die Deutschen Gesellschaften des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein Gruppenbild
Andreas ErbCurrent price €118.79Original price €131.99Die Deutschen Gesellschaften waren eine Sozietätsbewegung, die von den mitteldeutschen und protestantischen Universitäten und Gelehrtenschulen ausg...
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Krankheit und lyrische Selbstsorge: Dichtung, Medizin und Theologie in der Frühen Neuzeit (14901720)
Oliver GrütterCurrent price €78.29Original price €86.99Das Buch widmet sich der Frage, weshalb Krankheitserfahrungen in der frühneuzeitlichen Lyrik zwischen 1490 und 1720 eine beispiellose Prominenz ent...
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Varianz die Nibelungenfragmente: Überlieferung und Poetik des Nibelungenliedes im Übergang von Mündlichkeit zu Schriftlichkeit
Jan-Dirk MüllerCurrent price €102.59Original price €113.99Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass die Architektur des Nibelungenlieds zwar inhaltlich fest, doch sprachlich sehr variant ist, ordnet vorliegende ...
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Der Baumgarten im höfischen Roman: Narrative Erzeugung eines Handlungs- und Imaginationsraums
Theresa SpechtCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99Der Baumgarten des höfischen Romans ist kein beliebiger, topischer Schauplatz. Als Schwellenraum besitzt er ein spezifisches Handlungs- und Konflik...
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Speculative Epistemologies: An Eccentric Account of SF from the 1960s to the Present: 2021
John RiederCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Speculative Epistemologies is about truth effects in sf, which stands for both science fiction and speculative fiction. It examines six narratives,...
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Der Text und seine Kultur(en)
De GruyterCurrent price €41.39Original price €45.99Welchen Stellenwert haben Texte in verschiedenen Kulturen? Dieser Frage nähert sich der vorliegende Band von verschiedenen Seiten. Beginnend mit d...
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The idea of freedom in Vargas Llosa''s fiction: From socialist beginnings to a liberal world view
Friedrich AhnertCurrent price €94.49Original price €104.99Mario Vargas Llosas intellectual transformations, from socialism to pragmatism, and liberalism, are reflected in his political and historical ficti...
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On Avoiding Distress and On My Own Opinions
GalenCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99The discovery of the fifteenth-century codex Vlatadon 14 in 2005 was an extraordinary moment for scholars of Graeco Roman antiquity, as it brought ...
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Figures of Radical Absence: Blanks and Voids in Theory, Literature, and the Arts
Alexandra-Ecaterina IrimiaCurrent price €86.39Original price €95.99What is there to see in invisible artworks, empty books, or blank screens? How do formal absences generate meaning? Constructing an argument by wa...
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Aeschylus'' Oresteia: Translation and Theatrical Commentary
Michael EwansCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50This is a fully revised new edition of Michael Ewans 1995 English translation of the Oresteia, taking into account the extensive work published on ...
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