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Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse


By (author): No author

Translated by: Christopher Childers

'Inspired and enlightening ... here is a work of staggering ambition, exceptional accomplishment, and surprisingly pleasant reading ... an excellent gift for anyone interested in classical literature' A. E. Stallings, Telegraph

'An extraordinary feat ... Over and over, I was impressed both by Childers's technical abilities and his vivid way of evoking the multiple voices in this rich tradition' Emily Wilson, translator of the Odyssey and the Iliad

'Where does the lyric begin? One answer – a capacious and generous one – is given by Christopher Childers's anthology, in which translations of both Greek and Latin lyric poetry are offered in large servings, with extensive and ambitious commentary ... bold and worthwhile ... readable and learned' Peter McDonald, TLS

'An extraordinary achievement, in scope, scale and skill' Richard Jenkyns, author of Classical Literature

The poems in this lively, wide-ranging and richly enjoyable anthology are the work of priestesses and warriors; of philosophers and statesmen; of teenage girls, concerned for their birthday celebrations; of drunkards and brawlers; of grumpy old men, and chic young things. Their authors write – or sing – about hopes, fears, loves, losses, triumphs and humiliations. Every one of them lived and died between 1,900 and 2,800 years ago.

The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse is a volume without precedent. It brings together the best of two traditions normally treated in isolation, and in doing so tells a captivating story about how literature and book-culture emerged from an oral society in which memory and learning were transmitted through song. The classical vision of lyric poetry as understood by the greatest ancient poets – Sappho and Horace, Bacchylides and Catullus – mingles and interacts with our expansive modern vision of the lyric as the brief, personal, emotional poetry of a human soul laid bare.

Anyone looking for a picture of what ancient poets were up to when they were simply singing to the gods, or to their friends, or otherwise opening little verbal windows into their life and times can find it here. It is a volume full of fire and life: an undertaking of astonishing reach, and an accomplishment magisterial in its scope.

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Current price €55.99
Original price €56.99
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a thousand ships natalie haynesA01=No authorA19=Professor Glenn W. MostA24=Professor Glenn W. MostAge Group_Uncategorizedancient greeceancient historyancient romeanne carsonaristotle poeticsasiaAuthor_No authorautomatic-updateB01=Christopher ChildersB06=Christopher ChildersCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=DCACategory=DCQCategory=DSCcatullusclassicclassicsCOP=United KingdomDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working dayseq_biography-true-storieseq_isMigrated=2eq_non-fictioneq_poetryeuripidesgreecegreekgreek lexicongreek mythology bookshomerhoraceLanguage_Englishlatinovidovid metamorphosesPA=Availablepandoras jar natalie haynespat barker the silence of the girlspat barker the women of troypenguin classicsplato republicpoemspoetryPrice_€50 to €100PS=Activeromanroman empireromesapphosoftlaunchsong of achillesstephen frythe iliadthe illiadthe odysseythe wolf den elodie harpertwelve caesarswomen and power mary beard
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Product Details
  • Weight: 1300g
  • Dimensions: 154 x 236mm
  • Publication Date: 28 Mar 2024
  • Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
  • Publication City/Country: GB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9780241567449

About No author

Glenn W. Most (Afterword by, Introducer)
Glenn W. Most teaches Classics and related fields in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago; until 2020 he was Professor of Greek Philology at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

Christopher Childers (Anthology Editor, Translator)
Christopher Childers studied Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and poetry at Johns Hopkins University. He lives in Baltimore, where he teaches Latin, coaches squash and tennis and watches over his pet fish and budgies.

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