Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The papers of this 4 volumes set on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Intelligent Materials and Structures;
Chapter 2: Sensors;
Chapter 3: Techniques for Measurement, Detection and Monitoring;
Chapter 4: Data Acquisition, Data Mining and Data Processing;
Chapter 5: Automation and Control. Technologies and Engineering;
Chapter 6: Intelligent System;
Chapter 7: Mechatronics;
Chapter 8: Microelectronics, Electronics and Electrical. Circuits and Devices;
Chapter 9: Network Engineering and Communication Technology;
Chapter 10: Applied Computing and Information Technologies;
Chapter 11: Materials and Processing Technologies;
Chapter 12: Applied Mechanics in General Mechanical Engineering and Construction.