The International Congress on Educational Research, Materials Science and Engineering
The International Congress on Educational Research, Materials Science and Engineering (ICEMSE 2022) is organized by Mohammed First University - Oujda represented by the Laboratory of Materials, Waves, Energy and Environment (LaMOn2E) in collaboration with other partners. The 2022 meeting was held on October 25-27, 2022, at Saïdia, Morocco. The general aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for researchers and professionals from various fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, and to serve as a forum for interdisciplinary researchers in different areas related to the interaction between engineering, materials science, and education. The ICEMSE2022 invited research papers that cover these topics. Throughout this event, a wide range of themes related to educational research, engineering, and materials science innovation were addressed and exposed. These days were animated by professors and researchers emeritus in the fields of conference topics in the form of Oral/Poster contributions, workshops, and round tables.
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