Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics II
The peer reviewed papers in this 2 volumes set show the latest developments in the field of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. In particular, they cover topics of Manufacturing Technology and Processing, Mechatronics and Automation, Mechatronics and Embedded System Applications and Applied Mechanics and Other topics.
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
The papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Manufacturing Technology and Processes, Design, Modelling, Simulation and Mechanical Engineering;
Chapter 2: Robotic, Automation, Sensors, Detection and Monitoring Technologies;
Chapter 3: Development Elecrtonics, Networks, Information Technology and Algorithms in Systems Applications;
Chapter 4: Mechanics, Thermal and Dynamics Systems, Vibration, Noise, Applied Mechanics and Numerical Simulation Applications;
Chapter 5: Materials Science and Technology, Material Manufacturing Processes;
Chapter 6: Control System Modeling and Applications;
Chapter 7: Developments in Medical Technologies and Images Processing Technologies.