Mineralogy & Gems
Thermische Stabilität von Tonen und Tonmineralen und puzzolanische Aktivität
Michael NjokuCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Estabilidade Térmica de Argilas e Minerais de Argila e Atividade Pozolânica
Michael NjokuCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Stabilité thermique des argiles et des minéraux argileux et activité pouzzolanique
Michael NjokuCurrent price €44.64Original price €46.99Current price €44.64Original price €46.99Save 5% -
Rockhounding and Gems: Unlocking the Secrets of Rocks, Gems, Minerals, Agates, and Fossils for Enthusiasts and Beginners
Mari SilvaCurrent price €33.14Original price €38.99Current price €33.14Original price €38.99Save 15% -
Rocas, gemas y minerales: Lo que necesita saber sobre cristales, piedras preciosas, ágatas y otras rocas
Mari SilvaCurrent price €23.38Original price €27.50Current price €23.38Original price €27.50Save 15% -
24th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society, March 1417, 2016, Stuttgart, Germany
De GruyterCurrent price €186.19Original price €195.99Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 36 presents the complete Abstracts of all contributions to the 24th Annual Conference of the Ge...
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Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications
Elsevier - Health Sciences DivisionCurrent price €167.19Original price €175.99Metal Sulfide Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications presents the fundamentals necessary to understand the latest developments and possibilit...
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Minerals: A Very Short Introduction: A Very Short Introduction
David VaughanCurrent price €15.19Original price €15.99Minerals existed long before any forms of life, playing a key role in the origin and evolution of life; an interaction with biological systems that...
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The minerals and mineral localities of North Carolina, being chapter I, of the second volume of the Geology of North Carolina
F A GenthCurrent price €15.19Original price €15.99Current price €15.19Original price €15.99Save 5% -
Zeolite Molecular Sieves: Structure Chemistry and Use
Steven M. KuznickiCurrent price €115.89Original price €121.99A completely re-written and updated new edition of the landmark volume by Breck, this volume utilizes the information and framework of the original...
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Your Crystal Allies: The 12 Best Gems & Minerals for Healing Trauma & Navigating Change
Tracee DunblazierCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99Unleash the power of crystals on your healing journey! Gems and minerals make the best companions while moving through trauma recovery and change. ...
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Triple Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry
Mineralogical Society of AmericaCurrent price €54.14Original price €56.99Current price €54.14Original price €56.99Save 5% -
High Temperature Gas-Solid Reactions in Earth and Planetary Processes
Mineralogical Society of AmericaCurrent price €49.39Original price €51.99Current price €49.39Original price €51.99Save 5% -
Minerais slidos e desenvolvimento econmico na era digital
Chukwuma EmeokoroCurrent price €30.39Original price €31.99Current price €30.39Original price €31.99Save 5% -
Aplicaes da Espectroscopia Mssbauer em Mineralogia
Jlius DekanCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
Applications de la spectroscopie Mssbauer en minralogie
Jlius DekanCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
Anwendungen der Mssbauer-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie
Jlius DekanCurrent price €22.79Original price €23.99Current price €22.79Original price €23.99Save 5% -
The Origins and Analyses of Gem Corundums
Seriwat SaminpanyaCurrent price €81.69Original price €85.99This book provides a comprehensive review of gem corundum origins worldwide, highlighting the enduring value of rubies and sapphires despite synthe...
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The Precious Blue Sapphire Gemstone and Its Global Value
Faisal JamilCurrent price €17.58Original price €18.50Current price €17.58Original price €18.50Save 5% -
An Introduction to Cold and Ultracold Chemistry
Rose Marie O. MendozaCurrent price €169.09Original price €177.99This book delivers a detailed overview of the essentials of cold and ultracold chemistry for advanced graduate students. Beginning with description...
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Salt of the Earth, Tracing the Global Journey of Salt: A Comprehensive History of the World''s Most Essential Mineral, and Unearthing the Historical Significance of Salt in Human Civilization
Lola LumioCurrent price €18.69Original price €21.99Current price €18.69Original price €21.99Save 15% -
Геохимическая и экономическая оценка нек
Абиола ОйебамиджиCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Avaliao Geoqumica e Econmica de Alguns Campos de Pegmatitos, SW da Nigria
Abiola OyebamijiCurrent price €29.44Original price €30.99Current price €29.44Original price €30.99Save 5% -
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Anthony R. PhilpottsCurrent price €76.94Original price €80.99Building upon the award-winning second edition, this comprehensive textbook provides a fundamental understanding of the formative processes of igne...
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Applied Mineralogy: Applications in Industry and Environment
Swapna MukherjeeCurrent price €107.34Original price €112.99This book covers the entire spectrum of mineralogy and consolidates its applications in different fields. Part I starts with the very basic concept...
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Campbell''s Atlas of Oil and Gas Depletion
Colin J CampbellCurrent price €281.69Original price €312.99Campbell's Atlas of Oil and Gas Depletion, Second Edition, is the product of a half-century of critical analysis and updating of data on the statu...
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