Non-Fiction Local Publications
Malta Land of Sea - Exhibition Catalogue
Agenda Bookshop€45.00Malta is a Mediterranean territory of land and sea. Its history is inspired by the ways and means how the two connect and merge, overlap and retrea...
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Pilates of the Mediterranean -Reflections on God, Politics, the Media and Society
Joseph Borg€20.00The Pilates of the Mediterranean. Reflections on God, Politics, the Media and Society by Fr Joe Borg is an analysis of contemporary society with pa...
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The Maltese Islands and the Sea
Timmy Gambin€28.00As an archipelago in the center of the Mediterranean the sea has shaped many aspects of Malta’s culture, traditions, economy and demography. The co...
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Mary de Piro – A Bank of Valletta Exhibition
Agenda Bookshop€20.00Mary de Piro (b. 1946) had her early training in art at the Accademia dei Belle Artiin Florence and at the School of Art in Valletta, her home town...
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Contemporary Architecture in Malta
Conrad Thake€91.99Contemporary Architecture in Malta features a detailed exposition of 15 projects, ranging from private residences, public commercial and office bui...
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Curtain Up ! - Theatre in Malta (1963-2015)
Agenda Bookshop€45.00Between 1963 and 2015 Paul Xuereb wrote more than a thousand theatre reviews for The Sunday Times of Malta, all of them listed in this book’s Appen...
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Journal of Maltese Studies 29 - Giovan Francesco Buonamico (1639-1680)
Arnold Cassola€15.00This monographic issue of the Journal of Maltese Studies is dedicated to Giovanni Francesco Buonamico, the Maltese seventeenth-century intellectual...
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Stolen Childhood
Jacqueline Vassallo€12.95This is my country. I am in charge and you do as I say. The children will do as I say. It’s not your business anymore, accidents happen here and no...
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St George’s Basilica and its Il-Ħaġar Museum, Victoria, Gozo - Malta Insight Heritage Guides
Agenda Bookshop€12.00St George’s Basilica, historically known as San Ġorġ tal-Ħaġar, rises at the heart of Il-Ħaġar, the prehistoric walled settlement and later Punic-R...
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Profili ta’ kittieba Għawdxin
Joe M.Attard€12.50“Dawn il-kitbiet fuq kittieba letterarji Għawdxin huma parti minn ħidma edukattiva ta’ rispett li għandu jkollna għal niesna li taw kontribut għall...
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Encounters with Valletta - A Baroque City through the Ages
Daniel Cilia€80.00This volume endeavours to pay homage to a unique city. The Order of St. John constructed their new city, the città nuova, in Malta in the late sixt...
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Skrapp u Skrapp & Co. Ltd u drammi ohra
Carmel Azzopdarid€10.00Il-ktieb jiġbor fih 4 drammi li għandhom l-għan ewlieni li jimmotivaw lill-istudenti u joħolqu ambjent li fih l-istudenti jitgħallmu waqt li jieħdu...
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Erba’ profili qoxra wahda
Carlston Grima€10.00Dan ix-xogħol huwa frott ta’ ħbiberija li għal xi wħud minna twieldet u għal oħrajn kompliet permezz tas-sit soċjali Facebook, ħbiberija li ssaħħet...
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Histories of Malta – Confessions and Transgressions Vol 09
Giovanni Bonello€40.01What they said about Giovanni Bonello’s Histories of Malta Mysteries and Myths – Volume Eight – What more can be said about Giovanni Bonello and h...
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Minn Fomm il-Poplu - Il-Maltin jirrakkontaw l-esperjenzi tagħhom dwar il-ħajja Maltija kif kienet fl-ewwel nofs tas-Seklu Għoxrin
Guido Lanfranco€25.00Dan il-ktieb għandu valur kbir għaliex jiġbor fih għadd ta’ drawwiet u tradizzjonijiet li sawru l-ġens Malti matul is-sekli. Huma drawwiet u tradiz...
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The Historical Collection:Celebrating Malta's Heritage
Kenneth Gambin (ed.)€67.00The book narrates Malta’s history through a stamp issue and a number of essays by specialist historians, including A Bonanno, M. Buhagiar, R. Cachi...
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Gonzi and Malta's break with Gaddafi - Recollections of a Premier
Joseph Cassar€40.00In gripping, neverheardbefore detail, Lawrence Gonzi brings readers inside Gaddafi’s Bedouin tent a few days before the revolution started; inside ...
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Riflessjonijiet tal-President Marie Louise Colerio Preca – Paperback
MarieLouise Coleiro Preca€19.00Dan ilktieb ġie ppubblikat flaħħar xahar talPresidenza ta’ MarieLouise Coleiro Preca. Hi tiftaħ qalbha dwar ħajjitha, ilħidma li wettqet u anki dak...
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Riflessjonijiet tal-President Marie Louise Colerio Preca – Hardback
MarieLouise Coleiro Preca€29.00Dan ilktieb ġie ppubblikat flaħħar xahar talPresidenza ta’ MarieLouise Coleiro Preca. Hi tiftaħ qalbha dwar ħajjitha, ilħidma li wettqet u anki dak...
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Religion and the 1921 Malta Constitution - Genesis and Implications
Charles J. Scicluna€30.00Religion and the 1921 Malta Constitution focuses on the first two decades of the twentieth century and in particular on the discussions that culmin...
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Parallel Existences - The Notarial Archives: A Photographer's Inspiration
Joan Abela€75.00Parallel Existences. The Notarial Archives: A Photographer’s Inspiration forges a novel book where photography, art and history interlace to weave ...
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Orpheus - His Song and His Music
Richard England€50.00I am struck and deeply affected by Richard England’s bold and strange Orpheus poems …and suddenly made aware by the beauty of his writing, his prec...
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Giuseppe de Brincat A Gozitan Wine Merchant
Michael Refalo€25.00During the last years of the 19th and the First decades of the 20th century a Gozitan former sailor established himself as wine merchant. He corres...
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Gabriel Caruana
Richard England€50.00Over 60 unpublished works of art (2010 – 2015) Documents & photographs from Gabriel Caruana’s personal archive Essays by Richard England &...
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Enrico Dandria, qassis, politiku, patrijott
Max Farrugia€45.00Enrico Dandria għex perjodu politiku mqalleb – ittwaqqif talAssemblea Nazzjonali, lirvellijiet tasSette Giugno, ittwaqqif talpartiti politiċi, leww...
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Chambers of Memory - Roaming the Mansions of Mnemosyne
Richard England€45.00Chambers of Memory is a book about Richard England’s life, career experiences and his rich humanistic outlook. It is not an autobiography in the tr...
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Ċajt ta' Klassi u Battuti oħra
Bertram Portelli€25.00Ċajt ta’ Klassi u battuti oħra hu ġabra ta‘ aktar minn 270 aneddotu, praspura, ċajt, battuti, bawxati u mumenti oħra ħelwin li jgħaddu minnhom lgħa...
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Buttons Parade - Military and civilian uniform buttons in Malta –18th to 21st century
George Cassar€88.99The invention of the button goes back to at least 5000 years when they were originally used for ornamental purposes. Eventually, in the Middle Ages...
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L-Intruża u L-Għomja
Maurice Maeterlinck€8.50L-Intruża' u 'L-Għomja / L’Intruse et Les Aveugles ta' Maurice Maeterlinck maqluba għall-Malti mill-Prof. Anthony Aquilina. Dawn huma żewġ drammi f...
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Ritratti ta' Tfuliti
Reno Muscat€15.00Ritratti Ta' Tfuliti huwa rakkont tat-tfulija ta' Reno Muscat, bil-personaġġi li ffurmawha, fil-waqtiet li sawruha, bl-attivitajiet li żejnuha. Fil...
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Gozo Gems
Linda Henry€9.75Gozo Gems by Linda Henry, is an eclectic mix of poems, inspired by the love affair the author has been having with 'this bejewelled isle' since she...
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Snow in Amman
Ibtihal Mahmood€16.99Filled with deeply nuanced storytelling and vividly drawn, often heartbreaking human characters, Snow in Amman: An Anthology of Short Stories From ...
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Jottings ... And Reflections
Michael Grech ed.€14.65Jottings… and Reflections, is a dialogic exercise wherein a number of scholars and experts in different fields reflect critically on themes on whic...
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