Non-Fiction Local Publications
Il-Milied: Cocktail Parties u Ħelu No. 4 Mis-sensiela Fil-kcina m'Anton
Anton B. Dougall€5.95Fil-ġranet tal-Milied kulħadd jiġi bżonn ħafna riċetti għall-okkażjonijiet sbieħ li nqattgħu flimkien mal-ħbieb u l-qraba. F’dan il-ktieb wieħed is...
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Traditional Maltese Cooking
Agenda Bookshop€9.99Apart from the international food served in many of our restaurants and hotels, Malta has a fine cuisine typical of the Mediterranean diet but diff...
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Carve Malta on my Heart True wartime stories of Christina Ratcliffe & Tamara Marks
Agenda Bookshop€9.99Christina Ratcliffe was a music hall cabaret artiste, a Whizz-Bangs Concert Party dancer and later a RAF Operations Room plotter. Tamara Marks was...
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Għaqqad u Tgħallem – Spelli Tajjeb 2 Livell 4
Agenda Bookshop€5.95Għaqqad l-istampi u spelli l-kelma. 10 jigsaws b’kelmiet bi 3 ittri. 10 jigsaws b’kelmiet b’4 ittri. Logħba li tgħin fl-ispellija ta’ kliem bażi...
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Strait Street – An irresistible invitation
George Cini€15.00To the casual visitor, Strait Street, popularly known as Strada Stretta was an irresistible invitation to fly in the face of inhibition and give in...
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The Boats of Malta: The Art of the Fishermen
Desmond Morris€26.99The Boats of Malta - The Art of the Fishermen sets out to record one of the major art forms of the Maltese Islands - the painted fishing boats. Eac...
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Public Women Prostitute Entrepreneurs in Valletta, 1630-1798
Christine Muscat€45.00This book draws fascinating portraits of some public women in their cultural, religious, social, and economic worlds. The realities of the lives of...
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The Great Temple The Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta
Agenda Bookshop€40.00Includes fold-out pages containing 360° photo images CD enclosed – A collection of European Sacred Hymns & Motets – The Collegium Musicum Choir...
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Malta: The Order of St John (PB)
Thomas Freller€25.00The urban, cultural and political profile of the Maltese islands is deeply marked by the presence for 268 years of the Knights of St John. The Orde...
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L-Istorja tal-Innu Malti - Kif sar u xi jfisser
Oliver Friggieri€15.00Il-qawmien fi żmien il-Franċiżi, l-influwenza tar-Risorġiment Taljan, il-Kwistjoni tal-Lingwa, ir-rebħa tal-Malti bħala l-lingwa nazzjonali, ittwaq...
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A Lateral Thinking Showdown: The Court Jester vs ChatGPT
Norman Darmanin Demajo€19.95Journey into the world of lateral thinking as ancient wisdom meets modern intellect In a world where logic reigns supreme and machines outpace huma...
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The Maltese Cart-Ruts Unraveling an enigma
Gordon E. Weston€14.95For over three hundred and fifty years, the enigmatic grooves seen etched into the exposed rock of the Maltese archipelago have engaged the imagina...
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L-Analetti Ta Konfucju
SKS Publishers€20.00Traduzzjoni miċ-Ċiniż għall-Malti u noti, Salvatore GiuffrèEditjar u reviżjoni, Sergio Portelli Konfuċju (551-479 QK) huwa l-akbar ħassieb Ċiniż ...
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Suleyman The Magnificent and Malta 1565
Arnold Cassola€13.00In his latest book on the topic, Arnold Cassola utilizes exclusively primary Ottoman sources (1564-1566), supplemented by contemporary evidence bas...
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We went to the Moon
Gordon Caruana Dingli€30.00Man first landed on the Moon on the Apollo 11 flight. While Michael Collins remained in orbit, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed at Tranquility...
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Peacemaker Vol. 1
Anja Goder€45.00Peacemaker Vol.1 focuses on Pope Francis’s mission to make the world a better place, through the eyes of author and photographer Anja Goder. It fea...
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Treasures of Malta, Nr 80,...
Horizons€10.50Fi Sperillu u l-gazzetta ‘Ħamrija’ ta’ Natasha Turner u illustrazzjonijiet ta’ Cynthia Saliba ser niltaqgħu ma’ bebbuxu tawwali jismu Sperillu, li ...
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Gozo: The Beauty, History & Culture of an Island
Daniel Cilia€39.99The mid-Mediterranean island of Gozo, like most islands located in an enclosed sea, displays the transitional character of border districts. It bec...
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Treasures of Malta, Nr 78
Agenda Bookshop€10.50Malta’s premier magazine on history, art and culture with articles by Cynthia de Giorgio, Emanuel Buttigieg, Joseph Paul Cassar, Giovanni Bonello, ...
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Malti Manija 5: Kitba Kreattiva
Agenda Bookshop€3.50Sensiela Maltimanija: Maltimanija: kindergarten MAltimanija 1: l-alfabett; eżerċizzji Maltimanija 2: grammatika u ortografija; kitba u vokabularj...
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Gluten Free Nr. 13 Mis-sensiela Fil-kcina m'Anton
Anton B. Dougall€5.95Ili żmien inħoss il-ħtieġa li nipprepara ktieb tat-tisjir għal dawk li għandhom il-kundizzjoni coeliac u għalhekk ikunu jeħtieġu dieta magħmula min...
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Laham Nr. 12 Mis-sensiela Fil-kcina m'Anton
Agenda Bookshop€5.95Insibu diversi tipi ta’ laħam: ċanga, vitella, ħaruf, muntun u majjal. Minnhom isiru numru ta’ prodotti oħrajn bħal bejken, zalzett, perżut u salam...
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Bejn Storja u Miti – Duminku Mintoff
Sergio Grech€20.00Ġabra ta’ kitbiet dwar Mintoff. Grupp ta’ analisti ssieħbu biex jistudjaw l-impatt ta’ Mintoff fuqhom u fuq Malta.
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Barbeques No. 3 Mis-sensiela Fil-kcina m'Anton
Anton B Dougall€5.95Barbeque hija sistema ta’ tisjir stil Amerikan, iżda saret poploari madwar id-dinja kollha. It-tisjir jista’ jsir bil-faħam, bl-injam jew bil-gass....
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Malta a Brief History
Joseph S.Abela€9.95As one looks over the history of the Maltese Islands, one major factor stands out. The people of these Islands have, for many thousands of years, b...
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PSI Kingmaker – Life, thought and adventures of Peter Serracino Inglott
Daniel Massa€35.00Arguably the most intelligent person in the Mediterranean, Peter Serracino Inglott (1936-2012) was ordained priest in 1962 by Cardinal Giovanni Bat...
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Għaqqad u Tgħallem – Spelli Tajjeb 1 Livell 4
Agenda Bookshop€5.95Għaqqad l-istampi u spelli l-kelma. 10 jigsaws b’kelmiet bi 3 ittri. 10 jigsaws b’kelmiet b’4 ittri. Logħba li tgħin fl-ispellija ta’ kliem bażi...
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Charles Daniel Saliba€4.99Audio CD (Updated Version 2017) Listen to Native Maltese Speakers Reading this Series You can purchase this series’ companion CD for an additiona...
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Qieghda fil-Ponta ta’ Lsieni 2
Guzi Gatt€15.00Terminoloġija utli għall-użu ta’ kuljum. Dan il-ktieb, miżgħud bi kliem dwar l-ambjent, bħall-art u l-baħar, it-temp, iż-żargħa u t-trobbija ta’ l-...
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Salt Pans in Malta
Pauline Dingli€25.00In the beginning… there was the sun, sea, and salt! The warm, dry summers and seawater surrounding the Maltese Islands were two major factors that...
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Raiders Passed – Wartime recollections of a Maltese youngster
Charles B. Grech€11.65Charles B. Grech was just emerging from boyhood when the first enemy bombs fell on Malta in June, 1940. Like most boy age, his imagination was fire...
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William Grech€15.00Ġabra ta’ aneddoti ħelwin li jikxfu aspett fil-kura tas-saħħa li ma tantx nitkellmu dwaru – u dan huwa s-sens ta’ umoriżmu.
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Għamlu Isem – It-Tieni Ktieb
Joe Julian Farrugia€10.00Hemm bosta personaġġi li jistħoqqilhom li jkunu mfakkra għall-kontribut tagħhom lejn art twelidhom għalkemm f’ħajjithom ma kitbux dwar dak li wettq...
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Żelqiet Sportivi u Ċajt Ieħor
Mario Pisani€25.00Aktar minn 160 żelqa, ċajta, praspura u kummiedja li għamlu players talfootball, coaches, atleti, uffiċjali talMFA, Presidenti ta’ clubs u ġurnalis...
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Sigar Maltin - Taghrif - Tnissil - Harsien - Ghajdut
Alfred E. Baldacchino€20.00Siġar Maltin: tagħrif, tnissil, ħarsien, għajdut jagħti tagħrif wiesa’ fuq is-siġar u jidħol aktar fil-fond fuq xi speċi indiġeni Maltin. Jiġbor ta...
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Ghamlu Isem - L-Ewwel Ktieb
Joe Julian Farrugia€10.00Din il-ġabra ta’ bijografiji hi r-riżultat tal-ħidma konsistenti ta’ Joe Julian Farrugia fil-qasam kulturali Malti fejn wasal biex skopra kif anki ...
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Praspar mill-Klinika, Doża ta’ Daħq
Marika Mizzi€25.00Lebda tabib jew professur ma jista’ jagħtik garanzija li lmediċina li jiktiblek se tfejqek żgur. Imma dan ilktieb qed jagħtik ilgaranzija li listej...
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Jiena Malala: It-Tifla li Tkellmet Favur l-Edukazzjoni u Sparawlha t-Taliban
Malala Yousafzai€15.00Jiena Malala: It-Tifla li Tkellmet Favur l-Edukazzjoni u Sparawlha t-Taliban / I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the...
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Lord Strickland- Plots and intrigue in colonial Malta
Victor Aquilina€45.00Lord Strickland, by far one of the most outstanding political figures in colonial Malta, was as controversial as socialist firebrand Dom Mintoff. M...
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Malta Phoenician, Punic and Roman (Hardcover)
Anthony Bonanno€40.00Malta’s Classical period and its archaeology have long been neglected in favour of the island’s unique prehistoric heritage. Anthony Bonanno’s Malt...
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Antiquing in Malta: The La Vallette Helmet & other Finds
Robert Attard€35.00This book tells the stories of ‘Maltese’ treasures lost and found. The first chapter explores the history of the de Vallette helmet previously in t...
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Ngħix Ħajja Sabiħa
Michael Galea€15.00Dan il-ktieb huwa b’laqta psikoloġika, li jista’ jaqrah kulħadd u mingħajr kliem tekniku. Fuq kollox, dan il ktieb jintroduċi lill qarrej għal idea...
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The Marsa Junction: Hidden Secrets
Arnold Cassola€15.00In the 2013-2020 period, €700 million of EU funds were spent by the Maltese government chopping up trees, cementifying precious Maltese open spaces...
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