Non-Fiction Local Publications
Mikiel Gonzi - Ħamsin sena fit-tmun
Charles Butigieg€30.00“Konvint kif inhu li t-tifkira tar-realtajiet tal-imgħoddi u r-riflessjoni fuqhom jgħinu lill-ġenerazzjonijiet preżenti u futuri jħaddnu t-tagħlimi...
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La Concatedral De San Juan Valletta Malta
Cynthia de Giorgio€8.00La Concatedral de San Juan es una joya barroca de la arquitectura y del arte. Su rica historia y su legado artistic se debe al hecho de que, durant...
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Selmun – 6 Great Walks - Walking Guide Book
Clifford Vella€7.99Selmun offers picturesque views, depicting sharp contrasts between sky, sea, tilled fields, coutnry lanes, trees and garigue land. To enjoy this be...
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The creative use of noise
Charles Camilleri€5.49Noise becomes meaningful only within an environment one lives in and understands. Evocative noise is expressed in a myriad of ways, one being music...
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Fuq ilPassi ta' Vassalli
Theresa Vella€45.00Din ilpubblikazzjoni tiġbor fiha sitta u tletin kontribuzzjoni li wħud minnhom jitfgħu dawl ġdid fuq Vassalli, fosthomilħarba millħabs fi żmien lOr...
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Woven Splendour: The Tapestries at the Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta
Cynthia de Giorgio€45.00The first major indepth study of the set of magnificent series of tapestries treasured at St John’s CoCathedral in Valletta. In 1697, as the Spanis...
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The Coinage Of The Crusaders And The World Of Islam
Emmanuel Azzopardi€92.00The book covers an extensive selection of over 840 coins of the Crusades of Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli and Jerusalem and other numismatic areas inclu...
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Vincent Apap (19092003): Works...
Sandro Debono (ed.)€29.00The book is intended to commemorate Apap as Malta’s leading sculptor of his time. His artistry created representations of our nation’s quest to com...
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The Busuttil Family: A Legacy of Three Generations
Sandro Debono€35.00The artistic gene in the Busuttil family was first noticed in the young Michele, and as a result he was given painting lessons by Rocco Buhagiar (c...
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Philip Calleja: Ghex ghallBniedem maqlugh minn Gheruqu
Charles Buttigieg€45.00“Min bħali ilu jaf lil Dun Philip millqrib… jgħożżu u jistmah, aktar minn kollox, għallkarattru u għassens ta’ rġulija u għallimħabba lejn art twel...
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Valletta Malta's Hospitaller City
Klabb Kotba Maltin€45.00Hospitaller Valletta was the Order’s capital and conventual headquarters on Malta between 1570 and 1798. It was a politically powerful city, with w...
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L-istorja tal-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II
David Schembri€11.95Ilfolla fi Pjazza San Pietru stenniet bilħerqa lillPapa lġdid jixref mittieqa talVatikan. Min kien dan Karol Wojtyla? IlPapa Ġwanni Pawlu II kien...
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LEAH – in aid of Puttinu
Zhana Xuereb€10.00LEAH, the little girl with a big smile who captured the hearts of a nation. The story of her life and struggle with one of the rarest forms of canc...
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40 years at the helm, Louis A. Farrugia
Louis A. Farrugia€30.00In 40 years at the helm, Chairman of Farsons Group Louis A. Farrugia shares his experiences as an entrepreneur and a social leader within the conte...
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The Official Colours of War - Recording Malta in WWII(Paperback)
Caroline Miggiani€50.00In Britain, governmentsponsored schemes engaged artists on a contractual basis to document both the First and Second World Wars. Official war artis...
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The Official Colours of War - Recording Malta in WWII (Hardback)
Caroline Miggiani€78.99In Britain, governmentsponsored schemes engaged artists on a contractual basis to document both the First and Second World Wars. Official war artis...
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Selected Philosophical Essays
Joe Friggieri€25.00“ The main theme that figures as a leitmotif throughout this collection is the twin one of communication and interpretation. The salience of this t...
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L-Art tal-Kliem
Clare Azzopardi€40.00Il-Maltin fl-Art Imqaddsa u lil hinn Ħafna drabi l-okkażjonijiet li naqraw dwar il-ħajja tal-Maltin tad-djaspora huma ftit. Dan il-ktieb jiġbor fih...
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Il-Kitba Kreattiva
Trevor Żahra€6.85Titwila lejn il-mekkaniżmi tal-kitba kreattiva u ideat siewja għal kulmin iħoss is-sejħa tal-kitba F'dan il-ktejjeb, Trevor Żahra, l-awtur aktar mi...
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Sal-Quċċata tal-Everest
Marco Cremona€13.00Rebbieħ tal-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb Fis-17 ta’ Mejju, 2010, tliet xabbaturi Maltin għamlu dak li ħafna kienu jaħsbu impossibbli għal nies imrob...
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Joseph Vella Bondin - Drammaturgu
Charles Briffa€15.00Il-ħidma ta’ dan il-ktieb investigattiv hija li tgħolli l-preġju tal-kultura lokali u l-presitġju tat-talent Malti. Għaldaqstant bis-suġġett ta’ da...
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It-Triq tal-Qdusija - ĠWANNI PAWLU II
Agenda Bookshop€15.00Ġwanni Pawlu II “It-Triq tal-Qdusija”: Ktieb li jieħu lill-qarrej fi vjaġġ fil-ħin, fil-Pontifikat tal-Beatu Ġwanni Pawlu II. Il-vjaġġ jitlaq bid...
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