Number Systems
Einführung in die angewandte Geometrie
Bert JüttlerCurrent price €21.84Original price €22.99Das Buch ist an der Schnittstelle zwischen linearer Algebra und rechnerischer Geometrie angesiedelt. Einerseits werden die klassischen Geometrien (...
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Nichtlineare Optimierung
Michael UlbrichCurrent price €21.84Original price €22.99Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in zentrale Konzepte und Methoden der Nichtlinearen Optimierung. Es ist aus Vorlesungen der Autoren an der TU München...
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Algorithmische Methoden: Band 2: Funktionen, Matrizen, Multivariate Polynome
Philipp KüglerCurrent price €21.84Original price €22.99Dies ist der zweite Band von Algorithmische Methoden, ein Lehrbuch zur computerorientierten Begleitung der Analysis und Linearen Algebra. Als mathe...
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Probably the Best Book on Statistics Ever Written: How to Beat the Odds and Make Better Decisions
Haim ShapiraCurrent price €25.18Original price €26.50This book reveals how statistics and probability are fundamental to our everyday life from advertisements to public-opinion polls, weather forecas...
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Mehrgittermethoden: Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch
Norbert KöcklerCurrent price €30.39Original price €31.99Um partielle Differenzialgleichungen numerisch zu behandeln, müssen riesige lineare oder nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme aufgestellt und gelöst werd...
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Kakuro Puzzle Book for Adults - 200 Puzzles (11x11): Cross Sums Math Brain Games - Number Logic Puzzle to Sharpen Your Mind
Julian BlakeCurrent price €10.44Original price €10.99Current price €10.44Original price €10.99Save 5% -
Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen: Nichtsteife, steife und differential-algebraische Gleichungen
Helmut PodhaiskyCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99Das Lehrbuch enthält eine umfangreiche und aktuelle Darstellung der numerischen Behandlung von Anfangswertproblemen gewöhnlicher Differentialgleich...
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Kakuro Puzzle Book for Adults - 200 Puzzles (9x9): Cross Sums Brain Games to Sharpen Your Mind - Ideal for Number Logic Puzzle Enthusiasts
Julian BlakeCurrent price €10.44Original price €10.99Current price €10.44Original price €10.99Save 5% -
2023 Math Crossword Puzzles Book For Adults Math Solutions: 50 Large-print, Medium level Puzzles Awesome Puzzle Book For Puzzle Lovers Entertain & enjoy ... Adults, Seniors, Men and Women Math Solu...
Shariful Math BookCurrent price €11.39Original price €11.99Current price €11.39Original price €11.99Save 5% -
Practice Makes Genius: Multiplication Facts
Math Tutor TiffCurrent price €13.29Original price €13.99Current price €13.29Original price €13.99Save 5% -
Mathematik kompakt: für Ingenieure und Informatiker
Rainer SchwenkertCurrent price €33.24Original price €34.99Dieses kompakte und gut verständliche Mathematikbuch besticht durch seine gelungene Stoffauswahl und seine didaktischen Vorzüge:- Anschaulicher, au...
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Orthogonal Polynomials and Painlevé Equations
Walter Van AsscheCurrent price €43.69Original price €45.99There are a number of intriguing connections between Painlevé equations and orthogonal polynomials, and this book is one of the first to provide an...
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Mathematical Olympiad In China (2021-2022): Problems And Solutions
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte LtdCurrent price €98.79Original price €103.99In China, many excellent students in mathematics take an active part in various mathematical contests, and each year, the best six senior high scho...
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Mathematical Olympiad In China (2021-2022): Problems And Solutions
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte LtdCurrent price €54.14Original price €56.99In China, many excellent students in mathematics take an active part in various mathematical contests, and each year, the best six senior high scho...
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Metodi di ottimizzazione non vincolata
Luigi GrippoCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99Nel volume vengono descritti e analizzati gli algoritmi di ottimizzazione non vincolata maggiormente noti e quelli studiati pi di recente e propost...
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Tracing Numbers 1-100: Abook for teaching and practicing numbers from 1 to 100 for pre- kindergarten children
Sam Ab MohammedCurrent price €10.44Original price €10.99Current price €10.44Original price €10.99Save 5% -
Buchstaben Und Zahlen Schreiben Lernen AB 3 Jahre: Lernen Sie, Buchstaben, Zahlen, Formen Zu Schreiben, Die Hand Zu kontrollieren Und Fähigkeiten Für Vorschulkinder Zu Erwerben
Milko AraCurrent price €10.44Original price €10.99Current price €10.44Original price €10.99Save 5% -
Calculus from the Ground Up Solution Guide
Jonathan Laine BartlettCurrent price €26.59Original price €27.99Current price €26.59Original price €27.99Save 5% -
Matematica Numerica Esercizi, Laboratori e Progetti
Alfio QuarteroniCurrent price €30.88Original price €32.50La Matematica Numerica una disciplina che si sviluppa in simbiosi con il calcolatore; essa fa uso di linguaggi di programmazione che consentono di ...
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