As a prominent figure in analytic philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries, Nenad Mievi has enriched, enhanced, and expanded many areas of the field. This volume, dedicated to him for his 65th birthday, follows the virtues he so much respects conceptual analysis, rigorous use of logics, and clear definitions and applies them to a very hot topic in philosophy, thought experiments.Present throughout the history of philosophy, thought experiments have become indispensable for the discipline and for analytic philosophy in particular. But questions can be asked, as to what exactly is a thought experiment, what it consists of, and, most importantly, if it is even useful for philosophy. Next to these conceptual questions, this collection tackles thought experiments that have tradition, some of them very long, like The Ring of Gyges, The Social Contract, and Descartes Evil Demon. Others, like Twin Earth, Gettier cases and Brain-in-a-Vat thought experiments, have prompted at least half-a-century-long trails. One cannot understand contemporary analytic philosophy without understanding these trails and traditions.Nenads closest friends and colleagues, from all over Europe, share their thoughts on this topic in this book, followed diligently by Nenads comments on their work.
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