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A01=Mireya Frausto
A01=Robert Jordan
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Author_Mireya Frausto
Author_Robert Jordan
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Trastornos neurolgicos, evaluacin y rehabilitacin neuropsicolgica


By (author): Mireya Frausto Robert Jordan

En esta ediciÓn actualizada del libro de Mireya Fraustro, se describen con claridad y sencillez los trastornos existentes, sus sÍntomas y las afectaciones que provocan, a la vez que se hace un amplio recorrido por los mÉtodos para evaluarlos y tratamientos de rehabilitaciÓn que generan mejoras importantes en la salud de los pacientes.

In this updated edition of Mireya Fraustro's book on Neuropsychological behavior, the author clearly describes various disorders along with their symptoms and the effects. It also includes an extensive overview of the methods to evaluate them and offers rehabilitation treatments that generate significant improvements to the overall health of patients. See more
Current price €20.23
Original price €21.99
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A01=Mireya FraustoA01=Robert JordanAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Mireya FraustoAuthor_Robert Jordanautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JMMCOP=MexicoDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€20 to €50PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Dimensions: 171 x 234mm
  • Publication Date: 31 Jul 2024
  • Publisher: Editorial Terracota
  • Publication City/Country: Mexico
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9786077134862

About Mireya FraustoRobert Jordan

Psicloga clnica egresada de la Universidad del Valle de Mxico. Cuenta con diversos posgrados en especializaciones profesionales como psicodiagnstico de trastornos mentales y evaluacin psicomtrica; educacin especial y autismo; habilidades docentes; violencia intrafamiliar; y salud mental y trastornos psiquitricos del nio y el adolescente. Mireya Frausto Rojas is a clinical psychologist. She graduated from the Universidad del Valle de Mxico and has various specialized postgraduate degrees such as psychodiagnosis of mental disorders and psychometric evaluation; special education and autism; teaching skills; domestic violence; and child and adolescent mental health and psychiatric disorders.

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