Conjurors: Poems
By (author): Julian Orde
The speckled water rippled into minnows,
Of worms and turf smelt all the fish pale morning,
Earth pushed up its smell of worms through grass and wet,
Through sodden leaf, mushroom and winking frog.
I, on the bank, lived quick as breathing frog,
Its lungs and mine puffed out September's thin
Morning, sallow and silver, fish-filled, the sky in a river.
Wherever I go in the guilty years there still
Goes my innocence with me [...]
William Empson celebrated her. 'Wonder at nature, wonder at all experience, is her note, and she gets a great deal of variety into it; also she has a beautiful ear, and a supply of unforced humour.'
The editor of PN Review said, 'It's hard to imagine the middle of the twentieth century now without Julian Orde.' Carcanet's recovery of her work thanks to the patient archaelogy of James Keery and V. Beatson proves that the past, even the relatively recent past, is at least as rich in resource and surprise as the present. See more