Poetry by Individual Poets
Immanuel Mifsud€12.00Bħal ħuta fl-ilma, maqtugħa, waħidha, fis-silenzju. Bħal ħuta barra mill-ilma, barra minn lokha, bla post, bla dar. Bħal ħuta zgħira li tħares lejn...
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Son of a Reluctant Immigrant
Leon Zawadzki€18.00Putting pen to paper to tell his story, the realisation that he has lived this question through different experiences while growing up, later on in...
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''Til Wrong Feels Right: Lyrics and More
Iggy PopCurrent price €28.30Original price €29.99THESE ARE THE WORDS THAT CAME TO ME. NO MATTER HOW THEY GOT HERE, THEY DID THE F***ING JOB.Iggy Pop hasn't left a mark on music; he's left it batte...
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Second Glances at Gozo
Linda Henry€7.99Second Glances of Gozo is a mix of poems inspired by the emotional moments experienced by the author living on the island over the last thirty year...
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Growing with the Shadows: Poems
Raymond FenechCurrent price €16.99Original price €22.99“In my reading of Growing With the Shadows , most of all I visualized a man of infinite suffering, greatly affected by Life or Death, nonetheless w...
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Old Possum''s Book of Practical Cats
T. S. EliotCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99A stunning new edition of T. S. Eliot's beloved cat poems Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, containing beautiful original colour illustrations b...
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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I: Collected and Uncollected Poems
T. S. EliotCurrent price €45.89Original price €50.99Times Literary Supplement Book of the YearPegasus Award for Poetry Criticism, Poetry Foundation, ChicagoRichard J. Finneran Award, Society for Text...
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Paradise: Dual Language and New Verse Translation
Dante AlighieriCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99In the third and final part of The Divine Comedy, Dante recounts his journey through heaven, after the travails and torments of Hell and the arduou...
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Poeżiji 1964-2019
Albert Marshall€40.00“Kollox juri li Albert Marshall joffri poeżija li hi unika fil-poeżija kemm romantika u kemm post-romantika”.
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Xehir Fis-Skiet
Omar Seguna€12.00“Ngħidha bla tlaqliq li Omar Seguna huwa poeta għal qalbi, għax fis-sempliċità tal-versi tiegħu tinħass ruħ li taf tiżen u taf tħoss in-niket u n-n...
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Rota Roża
Charlie Grima€12.00kif tikteb poeżija idra l-ħoss tal-kliem… tiktibx qabel ma tiddivorzja mill-ħsieb il-kelma… l-idea mhux il-kliem… il-kliem mhux l-idea… ipprova ifh...
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Of Love and Desire
Louis de BernieresCurrent price €17.99Original price €19.99Of Love and Desire is a rich collection of love poems from Louis de Bernières, written over a lifetime, and capturing its many forms from rapture,...
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Tattwaggi - Poeżija 1996-2016
Charlò Camilleri€12.00togħxa tħażżez disinn intarsjat għal dejjem immarkat fuq laħmi kkankrat fil-mewt ankrat “Il-poeżija hi esperjenza ta’ tindif, ta’ katarsi...
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Dimech’s Lost Prison Poems - Preamble to a life of militancy
Henry Frendo€25.00The publication of Manwel Dimech’s lost prison poems constitutes a remarkable stage in the long intriguing process throughout which Henry Frendo ha...
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Imkien Għall-Kenn - Poeżiji
John P. Portelli€15.00ilbieraħ il-baħar mewweġ bil-qawwa illejla kajman ifakkar biss rifless ta’ veru
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Balluta Blues Ġabra ta’ poeżiji
Charles Flores€14.00Fejn tidħol il-kitba bil-Malti, il-poeżija kienet l-ewwel imħabba ta’ Charles Flores. Biha, fiha u madwarha daħal b’suċċess f’għejjun kreattivi oħr...
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Aporija mill-Ġdid
Roderick (Rigu) Bovingdon€35.00Aporija mill-Ġdid (ἀπορία) Kelma antika mnissla mill-Grieg Klassiku. Tħaddan rikkezza vasta ta’ tifsiriet. Fosthom tinkludi: disprament, taħwid me...
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Megalomanija Perversa – Poeżiji
Justin Schembri€13.00B’din il-ġabra, Schembri qed jikkontribwixxi għall-esperjenza tal-letteratura Maltija, u min-naħa tagħna bħala qarrejja l-ġabra tiġi esperjenza ta’...
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The Essential Ginsberg
Allen GinsbergCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Visionary poet Allen Ginsberg was one of the most influential cultural and literary figures of the 20th century, his face and political causes fami...
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Nimirħu maż-Żmien
Marlene Saliba€8.50F'Nimirħu maż-Żmien, Marlene Saliba tivvjaġġa poetikament lejn il-kożmos għax tħossha parti minnu. Il-perfezzjoni li ssib fil-kożmos hija riflessa ...
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Travelling Tinker Man and Other Rhymes
David EssexCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50Poems from the heart by a man who has lived and loved life to the full. In the 70s he was a huge pop star, with Number 1 hits like 'Rock On' and ...
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A Taste of Tagore: Poetry, Prose and Prayers
Rabindranath TagoreCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99A Taste of Tagore brings together a selection of the magical poetry, elegant prose, prayers and contemplations of Rabindranath Tagore, India''s fir...
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I Won''t Let You Go: Selected Poems
Rabindranath TagoreCurrent price €15.73Original price €18.50Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is India's greatest modern poet and the most brilliant creative genius...
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Inferno: Dual Language and New Verse Translation
Dante AlighieriCurrent price €14.39Original price €15.99Dantes dramatic journey through the circles of hell in search of redemption and his encounter with devils, monsters and the souls of some of the g...
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In His Own Write & A Spaniard in the Works
John LennonCurrent price €16.99Original price €19.99This title includes an introduction by Sir Paul McCartney. First published in 1964 and 1965, In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works are a bri...
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Best-Loved Yeats
W. B. YeatsCurrent price €17.09Original price €18.99I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams Some of the most famous lines in Irish poetry come from the...
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