Antarman Ke Sanvaad: Swarachit Kavitaon Ka Sangrah
Anshu SharmaCurrent price €14.44Original price €16.99Current price €14.44Original price €16.99Save 15% -
El idioma de los parques: The Language of the Parks (Bilingual edition)
Marisa RussoCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Abhilasha: प्रेम, विरह और बोध रस की कवितएँ With English Translations
Abhishek KumarCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99Current price €13.59Original price €15.99Save 15% -
Thoda Vyakth... Thoda Avyakth: Ek Bhaavtarang... Kavithancha
Mrs Vaishali MangurkarCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99Current price €13.59Original price €15.99Save 15% -
Meditations in an Emergency
Frank O'HaraCurrent price €15.73Original price €18.50Frank O'Hara was one of the great poets of the twentieth century and, along with such widely acclaimed writers as Denise Levertov, Allen Ginsberg, ...
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Klin u kapricci ohra
Adrian Grima€14.00X’qalu dwar il-poeżija ta’ Adrian Grima … Xi kultant, m’hemmx bżonn kliem. Diġà nafu kull rakkont, kull kapriċċ, kull riħa, kull togħma, kull weġ...
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Orpheus - His Song and His Music
Richard England€50.00I am struck and deeply affected by Richard England’s bold and strange Orpheus poems …and suddenly made aware by the beauty of his writing, his prec...
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Gozo Gems
Linda Henry€9.75Gozo Gems by Linda Henry, is an eclectic mix of poems, inspired by the love affair the author has been having with 'this bejewelled isle' since she...
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Immanuel Mifsud€12.00Bħal ħuta fl-ilma, maqtugħa, waħidha, fis-silenzju. Bħal ħuta barra mill-ilma, barra minn lokha, bla post, bla dar. Bħal ħuta zgħira li tħares lejn...
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Second Glances at Gozo
Linda Henry€7.99Second Glances of Gozo is a mix of poems inspired by the emotional moments experienced by the author living on the island over the last thirty year...
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Poeżiji 1964-2019
Albert Marshall€40.00“Kollox juri li Albert Marshall joffri poeżija li hi unika fil-poeżija kemm romantika u kemm post-romantika”.
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Xehir Fis-Skiet
Omar Seguna€12.00“Ngħidha bla tlaqliq li Omar Seguna huwa poeta għal qalbi, għax fis-sempliċità tal-versi tiegħu tinħass ruħ li taf tiżen u taf tħoss in-niket u n-n...
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Rota Roża
Charlie Grima€12.00kif tikteb poeżija idra l-ħoss tal-kliem… tiktibx qabel ma tiddivorzja mill-ħsieb il-kelma… l-idea mhux il-kliem… il-kliem mhux l-idea… ipprova ifh...
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