All Charges Dropped!: Devotional Narratives from Earthly Courtrooms to the Throne of Grace, Volume 1
By (author): Haroldo S Camacho
All these narratives become jumping boards for entering the greater courtroom. Here we must all appear before the judgment seat of God. And all our narratives and stories end here, because a new narrative begins. Not our own, but that of Another, our Substitute, our Attorney, our Judge, all in One, Jesus Christ the King of forgiveness!
In this courtroom, forgiveness overwhelms the charges. Trust casts out all fear. All chains are unshackled, as the Word of absolution breaks all fetters. Your sins are forgiven is the thread that binds all narratives in this devotional. The law gives way to the Gospel. Each story takes us from the earthly courtrooms where we hear mostly sentencing and condemnations, to the heavenly throne of grace. Here, the Judge of the Universe has only one Word: Forgiven! But how, on account of what law? Or on account of whom? You will see the answer clearly spelled out in each of the narratives of All Charges Dropped! Forgiven sinners walk away in total freedom, at this jaw dropping declaration of grace from the Judge of the universe. At God's Word, no guilt remains!
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