Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modeling
By (author): Roel Bosker Roel J. Bosker Tom A. B. Snijders
Snijders and Boskers book is an applied, authoritative and accessible introduction to the topic, providing readers with a clear conceptual and practical understanding of all the main issues involved in designing multilevel studies and conducting multilevel analysis.
This book provides step-by-step coverage of:
multilevel theories
ecological fallacies
the hierarchical linear model
testing and model specification
study designs
longitudinal data
multivariate multilevel models
discrete dependent variables
There are also new chapters on:
missing data
multilevel modeling and survey weights
Bayesian and MCMC estimation and latent-class models.
This book has been comprehensively revised and updated since the last edition, and now discusses modeling using HLM, MLwiN, SAS, Stata including GLLAMM, R, SPSS, Mplus, WinBugs, Latent Gold, and SuperMix.
This is a must-have text for any student, teacher or researcher with an interest in conducting or understanding multilevel analysis.
Tom A.B. Snijders is Professor of Statistics in the Social Sciences at the University of Oxford and Professor of Statistics and Methodology at the University of Groningen.
Roel J. Bosker is Professor of Education and Director of GION, Groningen Institute for Educational Research, at the University of Groningen.