Revolutionary Groups & Movements
Save 8% Democratization and Military Coups in Africa: Post-1990 Political Conflicts
Lexington BooksCurrent price €36.79Original price €39.99Democratization and Military Coups in Africa: Post-1990 Political Conflicts studies the seemingly endless cycle of coups that have occurred in Afri...
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Save 8% Democratization and Military Coups in Africa: Post-1990 Political Conflicts
Lexington BooksCurrent price €91.07Original price €98.99Democratization and Military Coups in Africa: Post-1990 Political Conflicts studies the seemingly endless cycle of coups that have occurred in Afri...
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Save 8% Revolution and Dictatorship: The Violent Origins of Durable Authoritarianism
Lucan WayCurrent price €26.22Original price €28.50Why the worlds most resilient dictatorships are products of violent revolutionRevolution and Dictatorship explores why dictatorships born of social...
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Save 10% The Dark Side of European Integration Social Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical Right Movements in Contemporary Europe
Alina PolyakovaCurrent price €32.85Original price €36.50Current price €32.85Original price €36.50Save 10% -
Save 10% Seeking Legitimacy: Why Arab Autocracies Adopt Women''s Rights
Aili Mari TrippCurrent price €29.25Original price €32.50Aili Mari Tripp explains why autocratic leaders in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria embraced more extensive legal reforms of women's rights than their ...
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Save 8% Violence at Home or Abroad: Understanding How Rebel Leaders Respond to Domestic Unrest
Ruolin SuCurrent price €103.95Original price €112.99From the civil wars in Colombia, Nepal, and Syria, to the revolutions in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, and the fervent uprisings of the Arab Spring, rece...
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Save 8% Ideology, Post-Ideology and Anti-Ideology in Latin America: Reflections from the Last Decade
Bloomsbury Publishing PLCCurrent price €91.07Original price €98.99The Latin American political landscape has already changed substantially in the 21st century. This book offers an approach to the Latin American po...
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Save 8% Resistance through Higher Education: Myanmar Universities Struggle against Authoritarianism
Licia ProserpioCurrent price €86.47Original price €93.99In February 2021, Myanmar experienced the third coup détat in its modern history. Unprecedented strength was displayed by Myanmar civil society as ...
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Save 10% French Drama of the Revolutionary Years
Graham E. RodmellCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99French Drama of the Revolutionary Years (1990) examines the years following the Revolution which saw an explosion both in the number of theatres an...
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Save 15% Hotel Lux: An Intimate History of Communism''s Forgotten Radicals
Maurice J CaseyCurrent price €24.23Original price €28.50'If affection is the first ground of memory, the archive is its late flowering and Hotel Lux its conservatory, Casey's history a tender nurture of ...
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Save 10% Unity and Struggle
Amílcar CabralCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50One of the world's greatest revolutionary leaders, Amílcar Cabral's long and arduous campaign for the liberation of Portuguese-dominated Africa is ...
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Save 10% Lenin Selected Writings: The Revolutions of 1917
Vladmir Ilyich LeninCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99Current price €21.59Original price €23.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Music, Power and Liberty: Sound, Song and Melody as Instruments of Change
Bloomsbury Publishing PLCCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99Music is a complex and multi-faceted art form. Yet too often it is regarded as discrete and self-contained. The chapters in this groundbreaking boo...
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Save 10% Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction: A Very Short Introduction
Jack A. GoldstoneCurrent price €14.39Original price €15.99From 1789 in France to 2011 in Cairo, revolutions have shaken the world. In their pursuit of social justice, revolutionaries have taken on the asse...
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Khmer Rouge: Nationalism and Mass Killing::Perception of the Vietnamese
Duong KeoCurrent price €45.89Original price €50.99Current price €45.89Original price €50.99Save 10% -
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Full Spectrum Resistance, Volume Two: Actions and Strategies for Change
Aric McBayCurrent price €18.39Original price €19.99Current price €18.39Original price €19.99Save 8% -
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Current price €20.23Original price €21.99Save 8% -
Save 8% Leaving the Twentieth Century: Situationist Revolutions
Jon NielsonCurrent price €23.91Original price €25.99The Situationist International, which leaped to the fore during the Paris tumult of 1968, has extended its revolutionary influence right up to the ...
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Save 10% Redeeming the Revolution: The State and Organized Labor in Post-Tlatelolco Mexico
Joseph U. LentiCurrent price €35.09Original price €38.99A tale of sin and redemption, Joseph U. Lentis Redeeming the Revolution demonstrates how the killing of hundreds of student protestors in Mexico Ci...
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Save 10% The History of Disruption: Social Struggle in the Atlantic World
Mehmet DösemeciCurrent price €25.65Original price €28.50Why do we think of social struggles as movements? Have struggles been practiced otherwise, not as motion but as interruption, occupation, disturban...
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Save 10% The Comparative Approach to National Movements: Miroslav Hroch and Nationalism Studies
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99Miroslav Hrochs Social Preconditions of National Revival has profoundly influenced the study of nationalism since it first appeared in English tran...
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Save 10% Georgia: Revolution and War
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99The post-Soviet country of Georgia has generated surprise upon surprise. Its Rose Revolution in 2003 marked the first time an existing leadership o...
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Save 10% Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99The core idea shared by all cosmopolitan views is that all human beings belong to a single community and the ultimate units of moral concern are in...
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Save 10% The Dark Side of European Integration: Social Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical Right Movements in Contemporary Europe
Alina PolyakovaCurrent price €47.69Original price €52.99Current price €47.69Original price €52.99Save 10% -
Save 10% Classless Politics: Islamist Movements, the Left, and Authoritarian Legacies in Egypt
Hesham SallamCurrent price €35.99Original price €39.99Since the 1970s, the Egyptian state has embarked on a far-reaching and destabilizing project of economic liberalization, reneging on its commitment...
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Save 10% Classless Politics: Islamist Movements, the Left, and Authoritarian Legacies in Egypt
Hesham SallamCurrent price €117.89Original price €130.99Since the 1970s, the Egyptian state has embarked on a far-reaching and destabilizing project of economic liberalization, reneging on its commitment...
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Save 8% The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
John Wiley and Sons LtdCurrent price €135.23Original price €146.99The most up-to-date and thorough compendium of scholarship on social movements This second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movem...
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Save 10% Ghassan Kanafani: Selected Political Writings
Ghassan KanafaniCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99'No other author has been as profoundly formative for me as Kanafani' - Mohammed El-Kurd, author of Rifqa 'I cannot think of a better collection t...
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Trotsky in 1917: The most complete English-language collection of Leon Trotsky''s writings from the year of the Russian revolution
Leon TrotskyCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Save 8% Capitalism is Extinction, Socialism is Survival: The climate crisis - no solution under capitalism
Larkin PublicationsCurrent price €6.43Original price €6.99Current price €6.43Original price €6.99Save 8% -
Save 10% From Revolution to Revolution: England 16881776
John CarswellCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99From Revolution to Revolution (1973) examines England, Scotland and Wales from the revolution of 1688 when William became King, to the American Rev...
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Save 10% Leveller Manifestoes of the Puritan Revolution
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €35.09Original price €38.99Leveller Manifestoes (1944) is a collection of primary manifestoes issued by the Levellers, the group which played an active and influential role i...
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Save 10% Reflections on the Puritan Revolution
A.L. RowseCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Reflections on the Puritan Revolution (1986) examines the damage done by the Puritans during the English Civil War, and the enormous artistic losse...
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Save 10% Cromwell and Communism: Socialism and Democracy in the Great English Revolution
Eduard BernsteinCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Cromwell and Communism (1930) examines the English revolution against the absolute monarchy of Charles I. It looks at the economic and social condi...
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Save 10% Chinese Workers: A New History
Jackie SheehanCurrent price €46.79Original price €51.99Jackie Sheehan traces the background and development of workers clashes with the Chinese Communist Party through mass campaigns such as the 1956-7 ...
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Save 10% Gay Liberation after May ''68
Guy HocquenghemCurrent price €24.75Original price €27.50In Gay Liberation after May 68, first published in France in 1974 and appearing here in English for the first time, Guy Hocquenghem details the ris...
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