Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges, Second Edition | Agenda Bookshop Skip to content
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A01=Richard Guare
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Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges, Second Edition


By (author): Peg Dawson Richard Guare

With 55% new material, the significantly revised second edition of this influential resource presents a refined coaching model and an expanded set of tools for helping K-12 students live up to their potential in school and beyond. The book describes how to provide evidence-based, individualized instruction and support for kids and teens with executive skills challenges. Guidelines are provided for partnering with students and improving their performance in such areas as time and task management, planning, organization, and impulse control. Adaptations for coaching students with disabilities are discussed. In a convenient large-size format, the book features over two dozen reproducible forms and handouts; coaches can download and print additional copies as needed.

New to This Edition
*Two new chapters on coaching 5- to 8-year-olds (K-3), and more material on younger students throughout.
*Shows how to enhance coaching by incorporating motivational interviewing and cognitive rehearsal strategies.
*Chapter of case examples, plus chapters on self-assessment for coaches and the building blocks of executive skills coaching.
*Expanded content on goal setting, action planning, and progress monitoring.
*Updated research and revised reproducible tools.

This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.

See also the authors' Work-Smart Academic Planner, Revised Edition, designed for middle and high school students to use in conjunction with coaching, and the authoritative Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents, Third Edition. Plus, for parents: Smart but Scattered, Second Edition (with a focus on 4- to 12-year-olds), and Smart but Scattered Teens.

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Current price €57.95
Original price €62.99
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A01=Peg DawsonA01=Richard GuareAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Peg DawsonAuthor_Richard Guareautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JNCCategory=JNLACategory=JNSCategory=MMJTCOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=AvailablePrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 800g
  • Dimensions: 203 x 259mm
  • Publication Date: 12 Jun 2023
  • Publisher: Guilford Publications
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781462552207

About Peg DawsonRichard Guare

Peg Dawson EdD is a psychologist who provides professional development training on executive skills for schools and organizations nationally and internationally. She was previously on the staff of the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders at Seacoast Mental Health Center in Portsmouth New Hampshire. Dr. Dawson is a past president of the New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and the International School Psychology Association and a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from NASP. She is coauthor of bestselling books for general readers including Smart but Scattered Smart but Scattered Teens Smart but Scattered--and Stalled (with a focus on emerging adults) and The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (with a focus on adults). Dr. Dawson is also coauthor of The Work-Smart Academic Planner Revised Edition and books for professionals including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents Third Edition. Richard Guare PhD BCBA-D is a neuropsychologist and board-certified behavior analyst who frequently consults to schools and agencies on attention and executive skills difficulties. He is former Director of the Center for Learning and Attention Disorders at Seacoast Mental Health Center in Portsmouth New Hampshire. Dr. Guare is coauthor of bestselling books for general readers including Smart but Scattered Smart but Scattered Teens Smart but Scattered--and Stalled (with a focus on emerging adults) and The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success (with a focus on adults). He is also coauthor of The Work-Smart Academic Planner Revised Edition and books for professionals including Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents Third Edition.

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