Social & Cultural History
Culture and Emotional Economy of Migration
Badri NarayanCurrent price €44.99Original price €49.99This book studies how the act of migration is a motivating constituent in the production of popular culture in both the homeland and the destinatio...
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Toward Empowerment: Women And Movement Politics In India
Leslie J CalmanCurrent price €31.49Original price €34.99Analyzing Indian women's groups as one sector of a complex of new grass-roots, non-party political movements, Dr. Caiman considers why and how a wo...
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Los Ciclos Cósmicos En La Historia Y La Geografía
Francisco ArizaCurrent price €24.75Original price €27.50Current price €24.75Original price €27.50Save 10% -
Desigualdades antiguas: Economía, cultura y sociedad en el Oriente medio y el Mediterráneo
Carlos García Mac GawCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99Current price €21.59Original price €23.99Save 10% -
Der, Große Terror'' in Der Ukraine: Die, Deutsche Operation'' 1937-1938
de Gruyter OldenbourgCurrent price €94.49Original price €104.99Current price €94.49Original price €104.99Save 10% -
Secularización en España (1700-1845): Albores de un proceso político
Casa de VelazquezCurrent price €24.75Original price €27.50Current price €24.75Original price €27.50Save 10% -
La Dame d''Elche, un destin singulier: Essai sur les réceptions d''une statue ibérique
Marlène Albert LlorcaCurrent price €20.69Original price €22.99Current price €20.69Original price €22.99Save 10% -
GuíaBurros: las Constituciones en España: Desde la Pepa hasta la Constitución de 1978
Eduardo MontagutCurrent price €14.39Original price €15.99Current price €14.39Original price €15.99Save 10% -
Resistentes en el alma, Iluminando el mundo de mañana
Louis FoucheCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10% -
Astrology and Western Society from the First World War to Covid-19
Springer International Publishing AGCurrent price €110.69Original price €122.99This book gathers contributions on the topic of astrology in the West during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from 19142022. It is the fir...
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Dark Allure of the Côte dAzur: Beauty, Leisure and Violence on the French Riviera since the Eighteenth Century
De GruyterCurrent price €91.79Original price €101.99This is the first critical work on the history of the French Riviera from its origins in the eighteenth century to the present day in the English ...
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Historia de los pioneros de Rochdale
Georges Jacob HolyoakeCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights
Quakerpress of FgcCurrent price €20.39Original price €23.99Current price €20.39Original price €23.99Save 15% -
Trauma and Triumph: Exploring the Professional Identity Construction of African American Female College Presidents in Higher Education
Thea R CelestineCurrent price €21.59Original price €23.99Current price €21.59Original price €23.99Save 10% -
Transactions of the Burgon Society Volume 23
The Burgon SocietyCurrent price €17.99Original price €19.99Current price €17.99Original price €19.99Save 10% -
Trauma and Triumph: Exploring the Professional Identity Construction of African American Female College Presidents in Higher Education
Thea R CelestineCurrent price €30.59Original price €33.99Current price €30.59Original price €33.99Save 10% -
Llegendes dels castells del Valls Oriental
Glria Campoy ColladoCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Current price €23.39Original price €25.99Save 10% -
Carnalities: The Art of Living in Latinidad
Mariana OrtegaCurrent price €99.44Original price €116.99In Carnalities, Mariana Ortega presents a phenomenological study of aesthetics grounded in the work of primarily Latinx artists. She introduces the...
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The Garden Retreat in Asia and Europe: Ways of Dwelling in a Torn World
Bloomsbury Publishing PLCCurrent price €93.59Original price €103.99The Garden Retreat in Asia and Europe explores the meaning of gardens and designed landscapes as places of retreat and refuge in times of need or e...
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Napoleon in British Culture: c. 1815 - 1840
Dr James GregoryCurrent price €89.09Original price €98.99This book studies British cultural engagement with Napoleon Bonaparte from his 1815 surrender and time in British custody, until the return of his ...
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Historias y leyendas de Barcelona
Joan de Du Prats PijoanCurrent price €13.59Original price €15.99Current price €13.59Original price €15.99Save 15% -
Psychiatry: Antiquity and Its Legacy
Dr Jessica WrightCurrent price €71.09Original price €78.99Modern psychiatry is firmly rooted in antecedents from classical antiquity, from the ancient Greek concept of therapeutics of the soul (an ancient ...
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Psychiatry: Antiquity and Its Legacy
Dr Jessica WrightCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Modern psychiatry is firmly rooted in antecedents from classical antiquity, from the ancient Greek concept of therapeutics of the soul (an ancient ...
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The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots: A True Story of Slavery
John Swanson JacobsCurrent price €12.59Original price €13.99Lost on the other side of the world since 1855, the story of John Swanson Jacobs finally returns to America. For one hundred and sixty-nine years...
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Être écrivain et religieux au Siècle d''or: Pedro de Ribadeneyra S.I. et le ministère de l''écriture dans la Compagnie de Jésus
Claire BouvierCurrent price €38.69Original price €42.99Current price €38.69Original price €42.99Save 10% -
El falansterio: La utopa de la felicidad social
Charles FourierCurrent price €15.29Original price €16.99Current price €15.29Original price €16.99Save 10% -
Carnalities: The Art of Living in Latinidad
Mariana OrtegaCurrent price €29.74Original price €34.99In Carnalities, Mariana Ortega presents a phenomenological study of aesthetics grounded in the work of primarily Latinx artists. She introduces the...
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The Balkan Route: Historical Transformations from Via Militaris to Autoput
De GruyterCurrent price €26.99Original price €29.99This volume approaches the topic of mobility in Southeast Europe by offering the first detailed historical study of the land route connecting Istan...
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Pierre de L''Estoile and his World in the Wars of Religion
Tom HamiltonCurrent price €32.85Original price €36.50The Wars of Religion embroiled France in decades of faction, violence, and peacemaking in the late sixteenth century. This study offers a new histo...
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An Introduction to the Amphibians of Ecuador: Diversity, Conservation, and Cultural History
Luis A. ColomaCurrent price €120.59Original price €133.99An Introduction to the Amphibians of Ecuador is the first of four volumes, which are comprehensive, well-illustrated, and authoritative works, maki...
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A Cultural History of Waste Disposal: Environmental Policy and Park Redevelopments
Benjamin A. LawsonCurrent price €134.09Original price €148.99This book offers a historical analysis of the landfill sites in New York City, Greater Toronto, and Greater Tel Aviv, and uses them as case studies...
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The Issei of the Salinas Valley: Japanese Pioneer Families
Lynn SakasegawaCurrent price €65.69Original price €72.99Current price €65.69Original price €72.99Save 10% -
Television before TV: New Media and Exhibition Culture in Europe and the USA, 1928-1939
Anne-Katrin WeberCurrent price €114.29Original price €126.99Television before TV rethinks the history of interwar television by exploring the mediums numerous demonstrations organized at national fairs and i...
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Livret-Guide Officiel Du Syndicat d''Initiative de Tourisme de Versailles Et Environs: Versailles, Cité de la Paix
Office de TourismeCurrent price €17.09Original price €18.99Current price €17.09Original price €18.99Save 10% -
Atlas portatif, à l''usage des collèges, pour servir à l''intelligence des auteurs classiques
Abbé GrenetCurrent price €17.99Original price €19.99Current price €17.99Original price €19.99Save 10% -
Moselle À l''Exposition Universelle de Juillet 1867
CollectifCurrent price €17.09Original price €18.99Current price €17.09Original price €18.99Save 10% -
Against the Current: The Omaha. Francis La Flesche and His Collection
De GruyterCurrent price €23.39Original price €25.99Francis La Flesche (18571932) lived between two worlds: as an Umoho (Omaha), he fought for their rights, and as a scholar he researched his own cul...
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Schmähung - Provokation - Stigma: Medien und Formen der Herabsetzung
De GruyterCurrent price €24.75Original price €27.50Currently, defamation and disparagement may appear omnipresent. But phenomena of invective are not restricted to the contemporary world, by any mea...
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Petite Géographie, À l''Usage Des Élèves Des Écoles Rurales de l''Yonne. 4e Édition
CollectifCurrent price €16.65Original price €18.50Current price €16.65Original price €18.50Save 10% -
Longuyon avant 1789. Les anciens registres de l''état civil
L LepezelCurrent price €15.75Original price €17.50Current price €15.75Original price €17.50Save 10% -
Das Buch der 1000 Wunder: Weltwunder: Architektur + Menschenleben + Tierwelt + Wahn + Mystik + Mathematik + Physik und Chemie + Technik + Erde + Himmel + Sprache und Schönheit
Alexander MoszkowskiCurrent price €16.19Original price €17.99Current price €16.19Original price €17.99Save 10% -
Leçons de géographie, cours élémentaire. Livre du maître
Eugène BrouardCurrent price €19.79Original price €21.99Current price €19.79Original price €21.99Save 10%