Investigating the Social World - International Student Edition: The Process and Practice of Research
Mixed media product | English
By (author): Russell K. Schutt
Proud sponsor of the 2019 SAGE Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award-enabling graduate students and early career faculty to attend the annual ASA pre-conference teaching and learning workshop.
In the Ninth Edition of his leading social research text, Russell K. Schutt, an award-winning researcher and teacher, continues to make the field come alive with current, compelling examples of high quality research and the latest innovations in research methodology, along with a clear and comprehensive introduction to the logic and techniques of social science research. Through numerous hands-on exercises that promote learning by doing, Investigating the Social World helps students to understand research methods as an integrated whole. Using examples from research on contemporary social issues, the text underscores the value of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and the need to make ethical research decisions. Investigating the Social World develops the critical skills necessary to evaluate published research, and to carry out one's own original research.
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