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A01=Jeffery T. Walker
A01=Sean Maddan
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Author_Sean Maddan
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Understanding Statistics For The Social Sciences, Criminal Justice, And Criminology

Designed for introductory-level statistics courses, Understanding Statistics for the Social Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Criminology presents the fundamentals of statistics in a clear and simplified format. This accessible text addresses all of the basics of statistical analysis while still providing the reader with the larger view of statistics. The authors focus on calculating the basic formulas yet preserve enough advanced material to prepare the student for further study. The book also provides information on deciding when to use particular statistical analyses, how to input and analyze data through programs such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS, the interpretation of statistical output, and making conclusions based on those results. The student-friendly and simplified presentation of Understanding Statistics makes it the ideal introductory statistics text and will provide readers with a strong foundation in statistics conceptually and pragmatically. Understanding Statistics for the Social Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Criminology boasts a variety of in-text study aids, such as key terms, equation summaries, exercises, end-of-chapter references, and suggested readings, and an equation glossary; as well as a collection of online study tools housed on the dedicated student companion website. The student-friendly presentation of the material coupled with the rich variety of student and instructor resources make Understanding Statistics the ideal introductory statistics text for undergraduate students! Every new printed copy is packaged with full access to the student companion website featuring a a rich variety of study tools! (eBook version does not include access to the student companion website. Standalone access can be purchased here http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781449649234/) Student Resources: -Microsoft and Excel SPSS data sets -Companion website featuring: *interactive flashcards *interactive glossary *practice quiz (with answers) *student data sets, in Excel and SPSS, that correlate to the chapter material *weblinks See more
Current price €65.69
Original price €72.99
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A01=Cram101 Textbook ReviewsA01=Jeffery T. WalkerA01=Sean MaddanAge Group_UncategorizedAuthor_Cram101 Textbook ReviewsAuthor_Jeffery T. WalkerAuthor_Sean Maddanautomatic-updateCategory1=Non-FictionCategory=JHBCCategory=JKVCOP=United StatesDelivery_Delivery within 10-20 working daysLanguage_EnglishPA=To orderPrice_€50 to €100PS=Activesoftlaunch
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Product Details
  • Weight: 425g
  • Publication Date: 04 Jan 2012
  • Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Inc
  • Publication City/Country: United States
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9781497022355

About Cram101 Textbook ReviewsJeffery T. WalkerSean Maddan

Jeffery T. Walker PhD is a professor and Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and a professor in the Department of Health Behavior at the University of Alabama Birmingham. Previously he was a Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Arkansas Little Rock where he worked for 19 years. Dr. Walker has written 10 books and almost a hundred journal articles and book chapters. He has obtained over $15 million in grants from the Department of Justice National Institute of Drug Abuse National Science Foundation Centers for Disease Control and others. His areas of interest are social/environmental factors of neighborhoods legal issues of policing and crime mapping/crime analysis. He is a past president of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Editorial experience includes service as editor of the Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Previous publications include articles in Justice Quarterly Journal of Quantitative Criminology and Journal of Criminal Justice Education and the books Leading Cases in Law Enforcement (10th Edition) and Foundations of Crime Analysis. Sean Maddan PhD is a professor at Texas A & M International University. Previously he was associate professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of West Georgia. His research areas include criminological theory statistics research methods and the efficacy of sex offender registration and notification laws. He is past president of the Southern Criminal Justice Association. Previous publications include articles in Justice Quarterly Journal of Crime and Justice American Journal of Criminal Justice and Journal of Criminal Justice. Dr. Maddan has also authored/co-authored several books; the most recent is The Lower Criminal Courts.

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