Sports Injuries & Medicine
DeLee, Drez and Miller''s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: 2-Volume Set
Mark D. MillerCurrent price €312.54Original price €328.99Indispensable for both surgeons and sports medicine physicians, DeLee, Drez, & Miller's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice, 5...
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Myofascial Release
Ruth DuncanCurrent price €42.74Original price €44.99Myofascial Release, Second Edition With HKPropel Online Video, offers a dynamic approach to fascial and soft tissue work suitable for all students ...
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The Big Back Book: Tips & Tricks for Therapists
Jane JohnsonCurrent price €52.24Original price €54.99Develop your skills and confidence with expert tips for treating back pain For any therapist who has been challenged by a client complaining of pai...
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Exercise: A Scientific and Clinical Overview
Dr Hugh J. N. BethellCurrent price €42.49Original price €49.99This book is about exercise - what it is, how it affects the individual, how it is measured and most of all what benefits it brings. Beginning with...
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Mercer''s Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma Tenth edition
Taylor & Francis LtdCurrent price €231.79Original price €243.99Highly Commended, BMA Medical Book Awards 2013Orthopaedic problems account for over one-third of all medical and surgical problems. Mercer's Textbo...
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Muskeldehnung: Grundlagen, Differenzialdiagnostik, Therapeutische Dehnungen, Eigendehnungen
Kathrin LindelCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99Zur Muskeldehnung (einem grundlegenden physiotherapeutischen Behandlungsinstrument) alle praktisch relevanten Aspekte -schülerverständlich und über...
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Ecografia dell''apparato osteoarticolare: Anatomia, semeiotica e quadri patologici
Enzo SilvestriCurrent price €53.19Original price €55.99Lecografia è utile nella valutazione di patologie articolari in pazienti con malattia reumatica e, oltre che nella diagnosi, è efficace nel monitor...
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Die Neue Rückenschule: Das Praxisbuch
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €59.84Original price €62.99Praxisorientiertes Manual für Rückenschul-Kursleiter/-Lehrer zur sog. Neuen Rückenschule, d.h. neuen Leitlinien, 2006 gemeinsam von der Konföderati...
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Essential Radiology for Sports Medicine
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.Current price €164.34Original price €172.99Imaging plays an increasingly vital role in the management of athletes aiding diagnosis, injury grading and prognosis, as well as guiding therapy. ...
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Pocket Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases
Springer London LtdCurrent price €64.59Original price €67.99For eight decades the Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases has been the standard text from which most medical students and house ofcers have learned rh...
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Orthopedic Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice
Springer VerlagCurrent price €97.84Original price €102.99Aim of this book is to give an update on the main issues in sports traumatology and orthopedics, involving different body sections. Exploring the m...
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Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Shoulder
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €154.84Original price €162.99This cutting-edge monograph on advanced clinical anatomy and pathoanatomy of the shoulder, written by the worlds leading authors, reflects recent s...
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Operative Hip Arthroscopy
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.Current price €202.34Original price €212.99Building upon the impeccable reputation of its earlier editions, Operative Hip Arthroscopy, Third Edition has been entirely reconceived, rewritten,...
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Acute and Chronic Finger Injuries in Ball Sports
Springer EditionsCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99Neglected finger injuries may lead to chronic lesions that often have detrimental consequences for the practice of a ball sport, whether at a recre...
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Surgical Atlas of Sports Orthopaedics and Sports Traumatology
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €183.34Original price €192.99This atlas depicts and describes the newest arthroscopic and open techniques for dealing with sports orthopaedic injuries and problems. More than 7...
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The Suffering Body in Sport: Shifting Thresholds of Pain, Risk and Injury
Emerald Publishing LimitedCurrent price €74.79Original price €87.99Public awareness of and sensitivity to questions of pain, risk and injury in sport is more acute than ever before. Whether it is questions of what...
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The Cardiovascular System During Exercise and Recovery
Tatsuhisa TakahashiCurrent price €126.34Original price €132.99This book highlights circulatory dynamics and cardiovascular control during exercise and post-exercise and recovery. Composed of seven chapters, it...
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Operationsberichte Orthopädie: Mit speziellen unfallchirurgisch-orthopädischen Eingriffen
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €64.59Original price €67.99Die Reihe umfasst die wichtigsten Operationsberichte des jeweiligen Fachgebietes. Dabei wird Wert auf die Auswahl der häufigsten Operationen aus de...
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International Advances in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Springer London LtdCurrent price €202.34Original price €212.99A comprehensive textbook of some of the most common and difficult to deal with pathologies. The first truly international, multidisciplinary manual...
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Yoga Zurück ins Leben: Wie Yoga bei Krebs helfen kann
Claudia MainauCurrent price €33.14Original price €38.99Die Autorin erkrankte in ihrem Leben zwei Mal an Leukämie. Yoga half ihr bei der Bewältigung der lebensbedrohenden Krankheit und auf ihrem Weg zurü...
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Leistungsphysiologie: Lehrbuch für Sport- und Physiotherapeuten und Trainer
Josef TomasitsCurrent price €64.59Original price €67.99Grundlagenwissen in der Leistungsphysiologie Herzstück des etablierten Lehrbuches sind Leistungsdiagnostik und medizinische Trainingslehre, physiol...
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Simple and Complex Fractures of the Humerus: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment
Springer VerlagCurrent price €97.84Original price €102.99The treatment of humeral fractures is a complex issue and the source of considerable controversy. In the case of fractures of the proximal humerus,...
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FBL Functional Kinetics praktisch angewandt: Band I: Becken und Beine untersuchen und behandeln
Barbara SuppéCurrent price €47.49Original price €49.99Die bekannten Übungen und Behandlungstechniken der FBL/Functional Kinetics in der klinischen Anwendung am Patienten, jeweils unter den Gesichtspunk...
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FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics praktisch angewandt: Gehen Analyse und Intervention
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KGCurrent price €39.89Original price €41.99FBL Functional Kinetics - viele Bausteine, ein KonzeptDenken und Be(handeln) Sie im Sinne der FBLWie das geht, zeigt die 3bändige klinische Buchrei...
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